Index/Info/Prologue thingy

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First of all thank you to whoever decided to click on this train-wreck

I really appreciate it :D

I will probably add or edit chapters quite a bit and since it's summer I hope to update this fic often but idk i will try (I'll also update this constantly even when pride month ends because-


This first "chapter" will mainly be the index for all the chapters:

Fundy, Punz, TechnoBlade, Quackity & AwesamdudePhilza and Technoblade5wastakenQuacknoblade

Rules I have regarding this fic:

-Under no circumstance will I allow anything sexual regarding the minors (disgusting these comments will be deleted and or reported)

-There will be no smut but I do have plans regarding safe gay intercourse in a chapter not sure if I will do it tho

-romantic scenes that are sorta heated will be mentioned and written (like making out and such and probably mentions/hints of people doing "it" but not actual smut)

-The minors will not have their sexualities labeled at all not even as straight (personally I just find it weird to label their characters as their minors)

I will take request (I'll try my best to do them lol)

Rules for requests:

-no smut (I will not under any circumstance do any smut)

- I would prefer for this fic to have Pride themed requests for characters/chapters

-just small ideas (not even full requests) or suggestions for a chapter/scene will greatly appreciated :D

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