Ch. 1

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Little background information : You are around Edmunds age, and you have had a crush on him for as long as you two know eachother. 

underlined = what edmund says

cursive = what you say

your pov

'Hurry up Edmund ! ' You scream from down the stairs. You and Edmund have been friends for about 10 years now, and he still can't hurry up when he needs to. It drives you insane, but deep down it's one of the reasons why you love him... You and Edmund are kind of in a complicated relationschip at the moment. You like him, and you think he knows, but you're not sure if he likes you back or not.

'Coming !' He yells while he buttons up his shirt. Once he comes down staires you see he is wearing the shirt you bought him. 'What ?! You're the one who bought it for me because you liked it so much on me' Your can feel your cheeks burn red as he winks at you.

'You're going to get us in trouble if you don't hurry up' you say, trying to hide your blushing with the palm of your hand. He lifts your chin and says : 'You know, you're adorable when you blush' He winks again, witch makes you blush even harder.

time skip till after the party

You and Edmund are walking home untill he just stands stil. 'What's wrong' you ask in total confusion. 'I cant' do this anymore' he says. 'Can't do what anymore ?' ' I can't pretend that there is nothing going on between you and Caspian !' You look shocked, but then start laughing. 'Oh Ed, there's nothing going on between me and Caspian silly. I like y...' You don't finish your scentence. 'You like who?' He asks. 'Y... You' you manage to get out without fainting. 'I'm so sorry, I know you don't li...' You were cut off by his lips touching yours as he pulls you into a soft but passional kiss. You kiss him back as you feel your legs turn numb. It feels like you're floating. 

But then all of a sudden the kiss ends, you feel your lips with your fingertips. As you question what just happend Edmund says : 'If you don't like me back it would only be fair if you just told me now so I don't fall in love with you more...' 'You love me ?' you ask him with big eyes. 'Yes, I mean why wouldn't I love you. You're smart and kind, and verry beautifull ...' he says with a blush spreading over his cheeks. 'Of course I love you silly, I always have.' 'Really ?!' he seems really confused about it. You answer his question by putting your hand on his cheek and pulling him in for a kiss. 

Edmund's pov

Wow, is this really happening. I mean everyone always said she had a crush on me but I never would've believed that it was true. Ofcourse me and (y/n) go way back, and we now eachother sinds we where in diapers. And I've had a crush on her since we were like 8 years old, but I never tought what might happen if she liked me back. I assumed that she didn't. I always tought she liked Caspian or Peter, they were all so much better then me. But the minute that she put her hand on my cheek and kissed me I knew, she loved my back. Not Caspian, not Peter but me. Me, Edmund Pevensie, the stubborn one of the pevensie kids. And I must admid it felt nice, knowing she liked me back.

Your pov

We broke the kiss and our foreheads stayed attached. We looked deep into eachothers eyes, and bursted out laughing. 'Why are we laughing ?!' Ed asked you. 'I don't know, you tell me' you shot back, what caused both you and him to start laughing even harder. 

'So does this mean we're like boyfriend and girlfriend or ... ?' 'I don't know, do you want me to be your girlfriend ?' You asked, knowing verry well that that's what you both wanted. 'I would very much love that.' he said while cupping your face with both his hands and pulling you in for a passionate kiss.

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