Chapter 27

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I'm crying so hard while I clutch at Josh shirt. It's approximately two hours had pass since Masha was kidnapped but there still no call from them. Louis is pacing with anxious face, while his whole family were sitting in the coaches with troubled faces.

I heard that it's not the first time that Masha was kidnapped when he's still staying here. But now it's different because they knew that it was be done by none other than Lance Knight, and that's not a good thing. Knowing that he hate Louis with passion there is a chance that he might hurt Masha.

I know Masha can withstand any pain and torture that they might do to him but even so, I still do not want him to experience such thing. He already have enough in that department and he doesn't deserve to get hurt either.

"It's my fault.." I wheezed. My voice is hoarse from all the crying.

"No its not! There is no way that it's you're fault." Josh exclaimed heartedly while he grab my chin and force me to face him. "Don't ever blame yourself! Okay.."

My lower lip quiver as my eyes start to water again. Sniffling, I nod my head slowly and drop my head into his chest.

Josh rub my hair comfortingly as I nuzzle my face deeply into his chest. Actually, I never imagined myself to be in this kind of position. And honestly it's all new to me. I have a lot of lovers before but I never felt like this.

I always feel the electrifying sparks that filled me every time Josh touched my skin. My heart flutter uncontrollably inside my chest, when I look at his eyes until I become lost that I even forgot how to breath. His kisses are mind blowing as his voice makes me shudder.

Everything is different. So blissful. So unimaginable.

A loud piercing scream suddenly snap me from my thoughts. Pulling away from Josh, my eyes grew big while I watch Lo crumple on the ground while he let out a blood curling scream. A shiver run through my spine when he starts convulsing and I can't help the fear that slowly creep inside my chest.

"What's happening?" I ask, scared.

Josh turn his watery eyes at me, but didn't say anything. Almost afraid to tell me what he want to says.

"It's because of the mating bond.." someone whisper beside me. Whirling my body, I saw Darrel softly crying beside me as he look down at his brother.

I frown at him and turn my eyes at Lo. Josh is already beside him, helping him to stand while they start to walk out of the room. "What do you mean?" I ask, while I followed Josh.

I can hear him walk behind me, while the others followed us too. "It only mean one thing.. He's feeling what Masha is experiencing right now. And judging by brother's screams, I know it's not good. Because Masha might be feeling much worse, after all he's the one getting hurt directly..."

I stop walking, and spin on my heels. I saw their eyes turn cold as uncontrollable anger start to flow out through their pores. And I can't help but to feel the same way as them.

Hate and anger starts to bubble within me. Just thinking that Masha, a frail little boy is getting beaten up by some sick psycho didn't sit well on me.

"We need to find him. Masha might be a tough kid, but we can't know for sure. Those people are sick, and if their planning to kill Lo then it won't be unimaginable that they might kill Masha too.. "

I saw fear on their eyes, but they still nod their head with determination.



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