Chapter 42

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"Bad news Louis! Another separate pack attacked the main house where Masha is!" My world almost stop when I heard those words. And if not for Keanu, I might received a serious injury when a wolf suddenly jump on my back.

"What the hell?! Don't let your guard down, moron!" Keanu, snarl angrily.

My body, almost like its not my own suddenly shift in my human form. I wobble on my knees, and look at Toni who just arrived in the middle of battlefield. Bloodied and completely worn out.

"You're joking right, Toni? There's no way that is possible. The main house, where Masha is full of guards not to add the unbreakable wall that surrounding the whole castle." I said in shaky voice. "Its impossible.."

But my heart shatters when I saw Toni, shook his head while his eyes are glistening with unshed tears. "Sorry, but its all true. Your mother, just called me and she don't know what to do. She doesn't have a choice, because she's busy helping the whole pack in evacuating. She can't abandon the others and help Masha. Though Mikee, and Lee are with him I can't still shake this uneasiness that I'm feeling right now. That's why I wanted to tell you.."


I grit my teeth and ball my fist, until my knuckles turn white. Raising my fist, I smash it right on the skull of the wolf running straight on me. There's a defeaning crack, as my hand thoroughly broke the wolf's skull. There's a whine, while the wolf fall on the ground.

My eyes are seeing red, while my heart is beating loudly inside my chest. I look at the werewolf writhing in pain on the ground, in front of me. A burning sensation filled my blood, blazing me to the core. Blinded with fury, I grab the werewolf's tail and spin it over my head smashing its body on the ground.

The ground shook, as I drop the werewolf. But it don't end with just that. The others stop fighting, as if they sense my fury. While it consume my whole being, engulfing my heart with its scorching emotions that fueled my hand to grab the werewolf's neck. The force of my hand shattered the wolf's neck, completely killing it. But still not satisfied, I pull much harder until it came off. Totally detaching the head from its body.

Everyone grew still, and watch intently. There's no noise, except from the rustling of the leaves and the happy chirping of the birds. But it broke when I suddenly let out a blood curling scream, shattering the defeaning slilence that envelope us for a minute.

After a while I stop, panting heavily I look ahead and start walking.

"Protect him, Lo." Keanu murmur when I pass by, the others nod their head with encouragement. Then I broke into a run, leaving them behind to save my mate. But not before I heard the cries and howl behind me, informing me that the battle resumes.

Sending a soft prayer for the others that I left behind, I fastly threaded my way back into the pack house.

Just hang on Masha...


But the Goddess might hate me. I know that I'm not truly a saint, nor do I believe that I'm the nicest person around but I think its truly unfair.

"And where do you think you're going Louis."

I squint my eyes, and huff annoyed when I saw the familiar smug face of Jensen Rick, the Alpha of the Devil Moon Pack.

I never like him, ever since I first saw him when we're still students and because of that I do not regret completely defeating him before.

"I never thought I'm going to see your ugly face ever again, Jensen." I spat, coldly.

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