1. Angelic Arab

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Angelic Arab

A.ngelic Arab avoids availability
B.ar broken barricaded barricades
C.an cats comically commit
D.ehumanize dehumidifiers
E.gotistical Egypt earlier email
F.rantic frostbitten freedom
G.rant gravitational Gettysburg
H.oarse horse hormone hoax

I.nterject International Igloos
J.am-package juxtaposition
K.ings keystroke keepsakes
L.ove lapses liberal lobotomy
M.assage mediocrity
N.ovelty November's naivety
O.ppress obscene opportunities
P.lease provide proof

R.edundant reductions ridicule risk
S.chedule scripts/scibes
T.alk talk talking too timidly
U.niformity uncovered units
V.egans view Vegas
W.hile wilderbeasts whistle
X.ray Xeroxed xenophobia
Y.ield yesterday's yesteryear
Z.ebra zero zeitgeists


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