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Trust the Triassic T-Rex
T in the AlphaBet Series

Torn twice, trice
Twisted Twitter Tweeting Tweeds
Towering twosome T-Rex
Threads tread turpentine
Tunnel the Triassic Trials
Triangle tenacious tenants
Tripping the triple trademark
Tears trained trappings traps
Tick tock tick tock tick tick tick
Time travels trackingly
TNT: tick tock tick tizzy
Tangible tantamount
Tricks the tabernacle
Terrestrial Tapestry timidity
Trust the Tyrannosaurus-Rex
The tessellated T-4
Treaties treatments thwarted
Trades and tyrannical temperature
Twinkle twinkle twinkle
Tricerotop tracking T-Rex
Teaparty teargassed Teagarden
The two towers twisting
Topsy turvy thinking
Thoughts twinkle twinkle
Tornadoes teetering terminology
Tick tock tick tock
Thunderous Thunderbird
Tarnish thoughtless troubles
Thunderbolt trustworthy trials
Tactile talisman
T-Rex, trust tenderness
Tenors tryout therapy
The therapist theorized treachery
Torn twice, thrice
Thrive thrifty towns
Township tweets
Towering twosome T-Rex

PORCELAIN PORCUPINE: POETRY (Book 2 Of The ASHEN Blue)Where stories live. Discover now