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Flashy Family
F in AlphaBet Poetry

Famished fainthearted familiarizing
Frizzy fabrics fabricate family
Fathomable fatherless fate
Famous factors fake failure
Filtering friendships forwarded foxes
Find frankness fully furnished
Frisbees french fried family
Family Facebook fiction for facts
Forums facilitates fractions
Facing fraudulent frames
Franchises froze farmers
Friends forsake foes
Foes foster festivals
Free fleets, forgetting former fleek
Flexible flights flawlessly flash
Future's futility fishing fascists
Favor fear, feature feelings
Few feed faltering fellows
Fight finality
Fundraising false fascists
Famous factors fake facts
Foes foster fraudulent farmers
Fiscal flames fire frozen frames
Frizzy fabrics
Fabulously fabricate friends
For flashy families
Feisty feeble-minded federates
Featurless,  featherless: fatherless


PORCELAIN PORCUPINE: POETRY (Book 2 Of The ASHEN Blue)Where stories live. Discover now