Chapter 13

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                                      𝙽 𝚎 𝚟 𝚊 𝚎 𝚑

*beep* *beep* *beep*

The blinding celling lights burned my eyelids open.


And more wires

And god damn my head hurts

I look over to my left and saw Billie softly snoring. Her knuckles were bruised with dried blood.

What the fuck happened

God damn why does my head hurt so much- ooh oh shit

The door creaked open

Shit it's a ghost- oh it was just Zoe

"Hey sleeping beauty"

I smiled softly

She looked towards Billie

"She's finally sleeping"

"What time is it?"

"A little after 1"

"Didn't we leave the store at 1?"

"Oh no honey it's 1am"

"Oh.. that explains the outfit change"

"Yeah."she looked down at her hoodie and sweatpants

"And Billie?"

"She didn't want to leave"

"Well what's in the bag for me to eat. The smell of Taco Bell is very delightful and also intimidating"

"Well I got an extra taco want one?"


"I heard Taco Bell"

"Morning sunshine"

"Hey zoe"

She looked over at me

"Oh your awake how are you?"

"Fine just a headache"

"Yeah you have a slight concussion nothing big"

I starting eating the taco Zoe gave me slowly until the nurse came in.

"Great news. You can be released tomorrow. Is there anyone I can call, parent, guardian?"

"Um yes my mom. She must be worried"

"Don't worry. She called earlier and I filled her in. She's at work but she's gonna wait for you when you come home"

"Alright your settled then for now. The doctor will check in soon. I'll see you tomorrow Ms.Nevaeh"

"Thank you very much"

She nodded with a warm smile and left.

"What happened? I can't remember shit"

Zoe and Billie looked at each other with mixed emotions

"Just spit it out"

"Well while I was trying out clothes, you rushed over some dude.. and you were yelling" Zoe started

"Let's just cut to the chase. You slapped him. Some girl tried to jump in and the guy punched you causing you to fall and hit your head really hard. Don't worry I beat the shit outta him mf the slutty girl went running" billie continued

"Shit shit shit shit shit"


"The guy. Fuck. Why u do that?"

"Cause he punched you"

"That doesn't give u a reason Billie!"

Right now I'm not scared. I'm terrified


"Baby I'm here"

I walked to the room and just to my surprise there was another girl in the bed.

Another girl.

Much prettier.

Much skinnier.

Getting fucked outta her mind.

And the person fucking her?

My boyfriend.


Well thought was.

I ran out the room

"I can explain!"

"There is nothing to explain here"

He grabbed me by my wrist.

"Stop that hurts"

He yanked me towards him and choked me.

"Listen to me little shit. I'm your ticket to freedom remember that. So you better shut the fuck up about the you here me?"

"Y-y-"I cried. Loosing most circulation of air


"Y-y-yes!" I cried trying to move his hand off my neck

He pushed me towards the ground causing me to hit my head

I watched him as he kissed her. How perfect she was and I just wasn't.

                             *flashback end*

Without me really noticing tears were rolling down my cheek.

"Hey look at me. I'm sorry"

The looked up to the familiar blue eyed girl.

Her eyes were soft, but scared and worried.

Zoe was too. She kept her distance tho. I understand though, it's gets overwhelming when a lot of people are around me which she knows

"It's fine. I'm fine. Just...long history" I put on the fakest smile I could possible display

Billie nodded and moved back in her chair. By her expression I know she doesn't believe me. If I was her I wouldn't believe me too.

"Anyways.. thanks for the taco Zoe"

"No problem"

" guys should go. It's late and you guys need sleep"

"I'll stay"

Well there is my failed attempted to being alone in this shitty place

"Sure Billie? Zoe looked concerned

"Yeah. Don't worry Zoe. I know you have a flight tomorrow so get some sleep and pack"

"Alright. I love you guys. Call me when you leave alright"

"Alright zoe. Love you" I blew a kiss to her

"Bye zoe" Billie blew a kiss to her also

Zoe left the room leaving me alone with Billie.

Her diamond studded nose stud dazzled in the light

There was a long and slightly awkward silence.

"Why were you crying?" Billie said softly

She looked up at me

"Only if you want to tell me"

I trusted Billie. She's been a great friend to be for months. She like, My second best friend. No one can pass Julie.

"I trust you. With pretty much my life. So promise. I mean promise on your life you won't tell a soul. okay?"


She pulled out her pinky and locked it with mine

A/N- this chapter needs their ass ate

Anyways byeee

Words: 848

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