Tyler picks up Wrech's body and carries him outside of the cave they were in, it was nighttime and those devil things were out. Tyler knew he wouldn't let anything happen to Wrech's body. One of the devil hounds came up to Tyler and Tyler grabs the spear, pointed it at the thing, and blasted it to bits and pieces. When he did this, flakes of blood flew off the spear. It was Wrech's blood. He walked all the way to the CLF with no portaling, just so he could put Wrech's body to rest. When he arrived at the CLF, there was nothing left. He looked around to try and find Wrech's garage but he couldn't. He renacted the time he jumped out of class and waved at Wrech, when he did he remembered where it was and walked over there. He saw the original Newton underneath the rubble along with the basement under the garage. He set Wrech down in the basement and said "You'll have a burial my friend, one grand yet humble." Tyler walks out of the basement and seals it with a large stone. He looks around at the rubble around him and stands there to take it all in. He finally could think about the future and didn't have to be caught up in the present anymore. E was gone and Tyler lost his greatest and only friend. He thought about how the place he knew as home was gone and he was honestly lost. He turned away as if to put his sorrow behind him and portaled away to the Sanctum. When he arrived, people stood about clapping and cheering for him. Tyler didn't smile, how could he? He saved everyone except Wrech, and he felt as if he lost and nothing else. Tyler went to the apartment and went up to room number 1027, where Wrech had stayed, and went inside. There was nothing in there but what Wrech had left, a messy bed, the sink running, and the radio on. Tyler put his hat off to the side of the bed and faded, he took his backpack off and faded back. Tyler layed down to think and reflect on the day before finally falling asleep.
Gorzothon, the Marshal, and Heriticus all were still on Polagom at the battlefield where Wrech had just died. They were greiving but knew they had to act quick as the city they were on was falling toward the planet. "You two go into the city and stand in its center" says Gorzothon,
"Wheres the center?" asks the Marshal
"You'll see it, a statue with floating things around it should be flashing red"
"What do you want us to do?"
"Clear the area around it"
Gorzothon got in his carrier and flew under the city as Heriticus and the Marshal went toward the city's center. Gorzothon looked down and could see the next city below them getting closer, he didn't think they could save it but maybe he could save the people. Gorzothon grabbed a radio and called one of the mogalops on the royal campus. "Hey, can you come down to Kumo along with everyone available for search and rescue? We need transport shuttles" The mogalop hears the message but doesn't respond, he makes his way to the edge of the building and hits a red button and shouts for the other mogalops. Heriticus and the Marshal make it to the center of the city and see what Gorzothon was talking about, it was a futuristic cell tower that was flashing red and had floating pieces around it that were breathing in and out. They yelled all around them to get people out of the area and toward the city's edge where they assumed the city would eventually stop falling. Gorzothon got down to the next city below and went to an opening in its side near the bottom, inside was a facility that powered the machines that kept it afloat. He went into the main area and as he walked by other civillians bowed down and when he reached the top of the facility he reached a door and walked in. "I need to speak with the driver of this city" he yelled. The men in the room scrambled around to get him and another guy came in and asked "Lord Gorzothon," he bowed "what are you doing here?" "I need this city to move over," he looks down at his watch, "toward the north east" "Yes sir, ALL HANDS ON DECK FOR NORTH EAST MOVEMENT" The engine was visible from the room they were in, it could oversee the entire facility that kept the city afloat. The lights went yellow and the city above heard sirens from the streetlights that were now yellow. The city was moving northeast as Kumo, the city above, was falling southwestern plummeting toward the ground. "Whats going on?" Asks the driver, "The city above us is falling and we need more time to get it floating again so we are moving this city to give us more time and less casualties" back on Kumo, a bunch of mogalops show up and begin rescuing the people toward the transport shuttles and loading them up. Heriticus and the Marshal run with them and leave the center of the city to get to the transport shuttle assuming the plan had changed. Gorzothon says "You can stop the city in 5 minutes, I must leave" "Thank you for coming Lord Gorzothon" says the driver, and Gorzothon runs down the stairs to his ship that had been locked in place so it didn't move, and he flew off toward Kumo. He saw that Kumo was about to pass the lower city and he goes over to the edges, it looks like they might hit. He quickly flies over to the edge of the lower city and stops, he gets out and sees above him Kumo, the city of the clouds a few hundred feet above him. As it falls he gets a chance to touch it when it passes so he does, then when the two edges match and fall past each other he jumps down onto Kumo. Heriticus was able to get off the island and the Marshal was on another shuttle. Gorzothon was running toward the city center and when he got there, it was cleared out but no one was there. "Where are you guys?" He asks "We got off the island, i thought we were evacuating?" He says through the radio. "I NEED THREE PEOPLE TO RESTART THE ENGINE" Heriticus and the Marshal had both left and say "Sorry." Gorzothon growls in anger and tries pulling all three levers but no one could ever reach that last lever alone. The city was falling and had about 3 minutes till impact. He was going to loose his city and couldn't do anything, so he ran to the edge and got on his carrier. Gorzothon flew upward toward the Royal Campus with the other transport shuttles. He looked down and watched his city fall down to the ground and explode with great force. When he reached the top he made sure the civillians were safe and told them what happened. "The world we could not conquer has come back to haunt us. I am sorry for what you all lost and i welcome you to live here on my campus until a new island is rebuilt.
Tyler wakes up from his nap feeling refreshed, he puts his hat on and walks down to the courtyard. Standing there are the people from the CLF, he tells them how Wrech was killed and he asks if they would help hold a funeral service for him. They all agree and start walking toward the CLF, Tyler goes over to the architect building where he hopes to find someone who can build a monument for him. When he enters the building he sees people working on a large sculpture of him, they all look at him as if he wasn't meant to see it. "What is this." Tyler asks. "Wrech requested a statue of you for being the savior of earth. Where's Wrech?" Tyler looks at the workers and says "Wrech was killed, he's the real hero. Can you please build Wrech a statue for his sacrifice." The men look around, climb down from their scaffolding, and begin walking toward the other room that had a large block in the middle that was made of stone. They asked Tyler for a picture and he handed them one he kept in his pocket, from there, they put the photo into a machine and the room started shifting and lasars started cutting the stone into a shape. About 15 minutes later, there was a statue of Wrech and Tyler said "It's great, can you put a large spear in his hand." "Yes, we will have it ready in maybe 20 minutes." Tyler thanks them and walks out of the building and sees the students from the CLF walking out to go home but he says "Guys, come through this portal" He makes a portal and lets them walk through it, he tells them to just clean up and try to make somewhere look nice and neat. When everyone walked through he shut the portal, he walked over to the fountain in the middle of the courtyard and sat down. *VwOUMP* Tyler springs up holding his spear pointed toward the portal and out comes Heriticus, the Marshal, and Gorzothon with a mogalop. The men at the sanctum all run over and get into stance to fight, "Guys! The mogalops no longer are attacking us, theres something else we must worry about now. This is Gorzothon, the leader of Polagom where the mogalops stay, he stopped the attack on earth because a stronger foe has come and killed Wrech who acted like me to save my life." Tyler yells about how if they attack the mogalop that he will kill everyone, Tyler falls to the floor finally feeling the effects of the beating he took earlier, he is taken to the medical department and examined. The Marshal stood by him and watched as it happened while Heriticus was talking to Gorzothon. "Who was he to you?" asks Gorzothon
"He was our best mind, and our strongest hearted"
"I can tell he meant a lot. I tried, I really did. E entered some kind of invisibuility mode just to kill who he thought was Tyler."
"Wrech was the first of our species to create a teleportation device. He was a poineer"
"I am sorry for your loss, maybe i can get some of our artists to build a monument for him"
"That would be great, thank you" Heriticus walks over to the place where Tyler is being held and when he does he sees the Marshal sitting there watching the doctors put him in casts and wraps. He had injuries that needed to be tended to and he passed out due to pressure. He needed time to rest and the rest of them went out to prepare the funeral. At the CLF, everyone was readying the area with drapes and making a clearing for the statue and casket. Within the next few days, trucks show up with the statue of Wrech and Tyler from Polagom. The statue portrays Wrech holding the spear upward and Tyler is behind him showing Wrech's sacrifice. Also came the coffin where he'd be layed underneath the statue, it was decorated with gold lining, could float over the ground, and was made of heavy quarts. Tyler arrives with a cruch, sling on his arm, and wearing his hat to the funeral. He makes his way to the statue and looks up at it, what a sight it was to see how detailed it was. This service was also for those who lost their lives in the events of the past few days with killing mogalops, or a falling city. These past four days were known as "The Four Day War" casualties in the thousands for no real reason anymore. "Heriticus" Tyler calls "Can you go under that debris over there and go into the basement" Heriticus nods and goes down where he sees Wrech's body lane. He walks back up with Wrech in his arms and goes over to the casket, sets him down, and seals it shut. Everyone starts arriving as it is almost time for the funeral. Heriticus, Gorzothon, The Marshal, they were all here for Wrech. Tyler stood in the back and watched as the last few chairs were setup, he looked over to his left and saw the casket but quickly looked the other way. Tyler couldn't bear this guilt. He believes that it was him who killed Wrech, not Wrech doing an act of honor. Tyler tried not thinking about it but he did, he started thinking about E and what his next step might be. E most likely went back home and wasn't greeted to kindly because i'm not dead, Wrech was a decoy. As Tyler was thinking about this more, his thought was interuppted with Heriticus saying "Tyler, come over to the side" Tyler did so and saw that all the chairs had been filled in, they actually had to make people stand because there wasn't enough room. Tyler was called to the front of the tent to give a speech, he hadn't prepared one but he knew it would come easy. He slowly made his way down the isle and as he did people stood up, tipped their hats, and waited till he passed in respect for his duty. "Thank you all for coming, it really means a lot to me and I bet Wrech himself would be proud too. Wrech was, well I'd need more than a single word to describe him but, if you knew him you know that Wrech was a kind hearted friend, wise old souled, gentle person who made a huge impact on us all." Tyler rambled on about how much Wrech meant to him but knew what he was saying was bullshit, he wanted to tell people what happened and why it was his fault, "And lastly, before i leave the podium, i wanted to say how he passed." Heriticus looked in confusion because they weren't going to tell anyone. Gorzothon tried to pull Tyler away but he shouted. "I GOT HIM KILLED. WRECH, Wrech died, because he told this big alien that he was me. And that alien happened to hate me by the way." Tyler sat down and started crying, "I couldn't. I couldn't do, anything" Gorzothon carried away a broken Tyler as a stranger to Tyler took the stand, a man and a woman. "Hello everyone, I thank you all for coming. None of you know me but I had to show up to this.." Says the man "I am Wrech's father, and asdly I had to show up to this young funeral" Tyler looks up at them in confusion. "I am Wrech's mother. Wrech, o Wrech, why does thou seek foolish desires. Left us, for sciencefiction esc fantasy, come." Tyler looked angrily at the couple who claim to be Wrech's parents and walks up to the stand, "Leave now" He says while pacing toward the stand, "Why are you worried young one," Said the mother. "Wrech wouldn't want you here, and neither do I. Leave now, or I will make you" Tyler stood there leaning on his cruch, "What will you do?" Says the father. Tyler jumps on the man, tackling him over, he puts his arm up and says "TO ME I CALL THE STRONGEST ON THE SEA" The spear came to his hand and toppled the tent, Heriticus was able to get over to Tyler and hold him back, luckily the man wasn't injured in any way. Tyler got up and went over to Wrech's coffin, dropped the spear, he put his head down and in the background he could hear the funeral still continuing. The man pats him on the back, "I understand you're upset-" "You understand? How could you, Wrech told me about you" The man tells Tyler to sit down and he does so, "Wrech tells everyone the wrong story, he says we didn't support him but we did. We told Wrech, well that he was adopted. As you can guess he didn't take it lightly and blamed us, made up stories, and left. Wrech never accepted us so we let him become what he desired." Tyler listened and resented for his actions a few minutes ago. "I'm sorry." Says Tyler
"It's fine"
"No, for almost killing you. I am just really mad about what happened."
"And what will you do about it?"
"Well. I don't know."
"Whatever you do, make it the right decision. Don't need anyone else dying"
Tyler kind of snapped back into reality, he needed to avenge Wrech, he needed to get the gem and kill E for what he did. Tyler stayed till the end of the funeral but waited till all were gone. He waited for a good hour or two before finally wlaking up to the statue. "Hey Wrech." Tyler said quietly, "I'm lost, you truly were the only person I had and now look where you are... 6ft under." He backs away from the statue to take all of it in, "I will avenge you, for your sacrifice I am alive" He looked up at Wrech one more time before portaling back to the sanctum where he saw everyone congregating. Tyler walked up to Heriticus and asked "Can you come with me for a few days to find something?"
"What's something?"
"Something of Wrech's"
"Of course"
Tyler then sees Gorzothon about to leave and yells "Can you help me find something?"
"I'm glad you asked me, sure i will"
Tyler walks Gorzothon over to Heriticus and Tyler pulls out a piece of paper with scribbles on it. "I need you guys to be ready by sunrise, get a good night's sleep. No time to waste"
The Bad Spy (Space Invasion)
Science FictionThis story is about an inter dimensional being that is 1200+ pounds and stands about 3 stories high. This thing is called a Mogalop, its hunts for those with too much power. Along with that it is an origin story of The Bad Spy. This action packed sc...