The Cursed Pink Crystal

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    Tyler wakes up early in the morning, like how him and Wrech did long ago, and prepares his suit and hat for the day ahead of him. He walks down to the elevator and goes down to the floor where Heriticus was staying, he knocks on the door. "Heriticus, lets go we got a journey ahead of us" Tyler then walks over to Gorzothons room, he saw the door was bent open and he causesly walks in, "Gorzothon?" "Hey! How are ya?" He responds while lying on a crushed bed, "What did you do?"
"Well these rooms aren't really made for giants"
"Yeah my bad, should've looked into that some more" Tyler said with a laugh.
"Where's the other guy?" asks Gorzothon.
"Oh Heriticus? He's still getting ready I assume."
Around the corner comes Heriticus, "What'd you do to the door there Gorzothon"
    "Watch how you're talking or that wall is next"
    "I'm just playing around" Says Heriticus
    "Alright, when you guys are ready just come downstairs"
Tyler walks out of the broken room and makes his way to the lobby to wait for his friends. He takes a seat and takes another moment to think about everything. He thought about how Wrech had the map to the Peace Crystal, and how he sadly couldn't ever hear that adventure. Wrech had to have been in some kind of deep web shit especially if he had a map like this. Heriticus walks down along with Gorzothon who was crouching to fit through the building. Tyler escorted them out of the place and they started their way towards the front gate of the Sanctum, Tyler was a little nervous because he didn't really read the map yet. "Can we go outside and talk for a minute" Asks Tyler, they both nod their heads and they walk out front. When outside they go around the corner against the wall of the Sanctum and Tyler says "I haven't opened the map yet"
    "WHAT?" Yells Heriticus
    "Wait, why's that bad?" Asks Gorzothon.
    "We don't know where we're going yet" Says Tyler with a weary expression.
    "That makes it so much more fun" Says Gorzothon with excitement.
    "How. We could die" Says Heriticus.
    "Can we?" Says Gorzothon.
    "Guys, stop. I just wanted to tell you all this because I'm going to open it right now, ok?"
Tyler pulls an old folded piece of paper with some blood on it and begins unravelling it. When it fully opens he can see that it's atop a mountain and some type of inscription is on the bottom of the map that he doesn't understand. "It's a mountain with a shining pink crystal at its peak" Tyler looked at the paper a little more and still looked like a kids drawing. "What the hell do we do with this" Said Heriticus. Tyler flipped over the map and there he saw a depiction of the gods, Guacho, Millie Andre, Scrubzzy, and DasBoot. He saw them all standing around the spear holding these gems, and he saw that Millie Andre held two crystals. There was a black and a pink one, black for death and pink for peace. He began to think about what he would do, then it hit him, maybe he needed to talk to one of them. "Guys, do you have a place we can go to where no one will see us?" Gorzothon pointed to a small opening in the woods and they walked over there, Tyler took the spear off his back and said "With the spear towards the sky, I call on thy" The sky went from a nice shiny hot day, to cloudy and gloomy. Lightning struck around them and they could see a ship above the clouds, as it got closer a low rumble got louder. From the ship, a large man leaped down and landed in front of Tyler. "Scrubzzy." Says Tyler. "Why have you called"
    "We need some help with this map, what's it mean?"
    "I'm not a guide, I help those who need physical help."
    "But-" Tyler was cut off by another voice, "Scrubzzy."
A loud voice from above them called down, "Did you deny this man's request?" "Yes." Another large man jumped down from the ship, he was much larger in size with a huge belly. He was black and had a beard with dreads. "Hey there, I'm Millie Andre, God of Death and Peace" Tyler was glad to see him of all people, "who the hell are these guys" Says Gorzothon, "We are the great pirate gods of earth, nice to meet you." says Millie Andre, "I am searching for your crystals, o great one" Says Tyler with fear in his voice. "No need to call me great, I already know I am. But why do you seek my crystal" says Millie, "I need it to defeat a foe to this planet" Millie Andre looks down very puzzled, "A foe? To Earth?" "Yes" Says Tyler, "E of Korag" Millie Andre laughs and Scrubzzy hits him on the shoulder with a thunder clap. "Why the hell are you laughing" Yells Scrubzzy, "A foe to earth is our foe too. I will simply help you find my crystal. But let it be known, that my crystal was cursed when we locked away Maize so do-" He was cut off by Tyler, "Great, so let's leave then" "Well give me a moment, I must fetch our ship" Millie jumps upward into the sky and Scrubzzy stays on the ground, "I can't believe he-" "Believe what?" Says Millie, leaning over the edge of the ship down on Scrubzzy, "Quit talking about me you drunken scallywag" The ship slowly descends downward and parks itself right next to them. "Climb aboard!" Yells Millie. Tyler, Gorzothon, and Heriticus all climb on and Scrubzzy follows. The ship was slightly bigger than a normal ship, due to the gods being so tall. It was a very nice ship and had lots of barrels on its top deck, assuming it was rum by the smell. We set off in a random direction, "Do you know where you're going?" Asks Tyler as he walks up the stairs toward the wheel. "Well, I'm going to the place I threw that spear down at. Hopefully there will be a mountain will be near it" "Do you not remember?" Asks Tyler, "Do you know how long ago that was? I only remember the place I threw it down at because it left a huge hole in the earth, along with the destruction of a large river." Tyler looks over the edge of the ship and sees that they are flying pretty fast toward somewhere he didn't know. Heriticus and Gorzothon went down into the basement of the ship and saw hundreds of barrels of rum lining the walls, they just picked one, cracked it open and started chugging god rum. DasBoot finally came out of the captains quarters and waved at Millie while wiping his face, he looked again but this time at Tyler, "Millie." Says Dasboot, "Yes?" Responds Millie, "Am I seeing things or is there something on our ship." "Oh, thats Tyler, we're helping him find my peace crystal" "Um, ok" He turns around and walks into the basement of the ship and sees Gorzothon and Heriticus downing rum barrels. DasBoot walks back up and says to Millie, "Yeah I didn't have a problem till they drank our rum" "OUR WHAT?!" Millie says abruptly. He stomps across the ship and this is heard by Gorzothon and Heriticus when they see a shadow glooming above the stairs. He just stands there and says, "If one of you. Touched my rum. Davy Jones will have you." He slowly walked down and saw them both drenched in rum and he could smell it. Millie raised his arms and started running while saying "WHO SAID YOU COULD TOUCH MY RUU-" and he tripped and fell over something, he looked on the ground behind him and it was Guacho, he had slid his leg under Millie and now he was positioned like a superhero. "Guacho." "Millie" "THEY DRANK THE RUM" "You can go a day without rum homes, no need for violence my friend" Guacho was a mexican man with a stunning mustache, he had a slight belly but nothing terrible. Millie takes a deep breath and breathes out. "I'm sorry, I really like my food" Gaucho steps in front of Millie and says "Everything on the top deck is ours, feel free to eat that homes. He takes up the entire bottom of the ship you fat bitch" Millie walks up to the top deck and Tyler asks what happened, "They drank my rum, but it's ok, I'm a big man anyway"  he says with a laugh. Scrubzzy from the crows nest yells "I see the impact zone" Millie pulls a lever next to the wheel and says, "Hold tight, we're going down under" The ships begins descending through the clouds until the ground was visible, Tyler looked over the edge and Heriticus and Gorzothon came up from the lower deck to look aswell. This place was very isolated with nothing but wild horses as its population. Gaucho and DasBoot walked to the front of the ship and looked outward at a deep valley, "I see the valley" Yells DasBoot, up ahead was a deep valley with a crater at its center. "Woaah" Says Tyler in awe, "This was what?" "This was a river, but now it is a barren wasteland. Luckily only the bottom of the crater that's bad, over the years the grass grew back." Tyler could see the exact impact spot of the spear, the radius was maybe a mile or two, he was unsure.
"Millie, I see a mountain" Yells Scrubzzy,
"That's not it" Scrubzzy turns around and walks up to Millie,
"Are you stupid?"
"Are you?"
"That's the only tall mountain around us Millie, turn right"
"Its doesnt have the scribble on the right" Millie says in a louder tone.
Tyler interrupts, "This was Wrech's, he wrote it"
"He couldn't have, no one has been here" Says Millie
"Wrech said he wrote it but couldn't tell me the story"
"I think that anyone who saw it wouldn't forget it, that's why i think its somewhere else"
Scrubzzy rolls his eyes and walks away with annoyance. Millie continues flying forward over this vast crater, looking for another mountain but to no prevail. Tyler goes to the bottom deck, "Guys, come on up and help look for this mountain" The two walked out of the bottom deck and looked around at the landscape surrounding them, very different than thought. Heriticus and Gorzothon stood to the ledge and looked around.
They had been flying for a little bit, Tyler was now sitting leaned against the ledge of the ship barely even motivated anymore. "Told you it was that mountain" Says Scrubzzy who was on his back getting some rest. Millie felt mocked by this and said "I tried, you didn't do jack shit" Tyler stands up, "Guys, this is no reason to fight." They stand there in guilt as to what Tyler had said, "Maybe we should go down to the impact spot itself, you know, where the spear hit" Says Gorzothon, "Yeah, maybe we could get a better perspective" Adds Tyler, "Alright, down we go" Millie grabs the lever and the ship descends into the craters center, it was becoming more toward noon now and the sun lit up the entire place. While approaching, Tyler jumps off to get a head start. "Dont put th-" Tyler couldn't fully hear what Millie had tried to say before falling to the ground. He was right next to the exact middle of the crater and saw the spot the spear had hit, it was dead around this area and there was a symbol on the ground. Tyler put his hand up and said, "To me, I call the strongest on the sea" A distant whistle was heard and barreling through the clouds was the spear. Tyler jumped up and caught it, but when he came down, he just had the urge to put the spear in the hole. He slammed it down and a red light appeared in the lines of the symbol, he tried pulling the spear out but he couldn't. The ship parked near him and Millie jumped out quickly and ran over to Tyler, "I SAID DON'T PUT THE SPEAR IN THE HOLE" Tyler felt stupid for doing the one thing he didn't hear. Millie grabbed the spear and tried pulling it from the earth but to no avail. Scrubzzy, Gaucho, and Dasboot came off the ship and toward the spear. The red light had begun to turn to fire and they all tried with their strongest of might to pull it from the ground but it was stuck. "Well, man the cannons!" Says Scrubzzy, and they all run back to the ship. "Why are we manning the cannons?!" Yells Tyler while running back to the ship. Millie hops to the wheel, Scrubzzy grabs some cannon balls, Dasboot sets up the cannons, and Guacho gets the crew's weapons. Millie turns the ship, cannons facing the hole. "That symbol is what locked away our greatest enemy. Maize. He almost killed us once and that symbol was created when it came into contact with the Earth, locking him into purgatory." Says Millie, Tyler  portals to the top of the ship and grabs a weapon as Guacho passes by. The fiery hole drops down a stairway glowing a bright red. "Scrubzzy, get those cannons loaded" Says Dasboot, "I'm working on it!" Yells Scrubzzy. Out from the pit walks up a bearded man wearing pirate attire, he had a strong physique and held a sword and pistol. He reached the top and said, "Dabloonies." They all looked at him with anger. "Why set me free, just to set up cannons for a kill?" No one responded to him as Scrubzzy slowly loaded the cannon balls. "I see you brought a human, perhaps they made the mistake of freeing me. Regardless, I will finish what I started last time." As he said that, a large galleon emerged from underneath the ground and Maize jumped onto the ship. "FIRREE!" Yells Millie. Dasboot and Scrubzzy begin firing cannons at the other ship, not long after, Maize's ship fires back. Every shot has landed so far, Tyler is ducking behind Millie whos trying to get in their blind spot but can't quite do it. Another round of shots is fired from each ship, crushing wood and moving ships. "We need to board them" Yells Scrubzzy, "Millie, get us close enough to jump on" Says Guacho, Millie turns the ship hard and Scrubzzy grapples them, pulling them closer. "NOW" Yells Millie as he leaves the wheel and jumps over with Scrubzzy, Gaucho, and Dasboot. Tyler grabs the wheel and says "Gorzothon, come help me with this" Gorzothon runs up the stairs and gets a better hold on the wheel and holds it steady. Scrubzzy and Dasboot go after Maize while Millie and Guacho go after the crew. A battle breaks out and its complete chaos, with Millie and Guacho slaying the crew like it was no sweat. Tyler was watching all this go down and Heriticus joined them up near the wheel. A cannon ball came zipping by them and another hit them, Tyler and Heriticus both began falling and only Gorzoothn was on the ship. Tyler portals to Heriticus and they hit the ground, Tyler sees that the map fell out of his pocket and he goes to grab it but he notices something. The map was open and upside down, now looking like an upside down mountain, like a large crater. Tyler put two and two together and portaled up with Heriticus to the ship. "Millie! The pink crystal is in the crater, the map was upside down" Millie, who was still fighting the crew, ran up to the wheel of their ship and steered it downard straight vertically. "LET GO OF THE SHIP" Shouted Millie. Heriticus ran to the grapple and cut it loose, they watched the other ship plummet straight toward the hole they had come from. Tyler knew they wouldn;t make it if he didn't intervein. Tyler portals down to the ship and grabs them all one by one, starting with Guacho and Millie since they weren't fighting Maize. When he came back for Scrubzzy and Dasboot, they were in an epic battle atop the mast of the falling ship, this battle had to continue, too fragile for him to step in. Millie sees that his friends are about to fall into a death trap so he shoots down, shaking the whole ship and gets to the mast. He pulls out his sword and calls out, "Tyler, get them", Tyer portals over and grabs them both, "NOO!" shouts Scrubzzy as he's pulled out of the battle. Millie stands before Maize and says "You will answer to me" "And you," Says Maize "will die trying" The two fight all the way down the very bottom of the crater and the ship goes through the ground and into purgatory. The hole closes itself and up comes the spear. Tyler portals down to it and removes it, when he does he sees that there's a pink crystal embedded within the tip of the spear. The ship behind him lands and all of the Dabloonies walk off and toward the crater. "He's gone" Says Guacho. "No he's not" Says Tyler, he goes up to the hole, shoves the spear down, and the symbol shines pink. The base of the symbol drops and reveals a staircase, they see a figure walk up but are unsure who it is.

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