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I hear my mother at the door, I debate weather or not I should open it. I know she wants me to get ready for the dinner. I sigh and dry my eyes since all I've been doing this past week is crying, then I go to open the door.

"Amberley!" My mother says and holds my head in her hands, "What's wrong?"

"Nothin." I mumble,

"Come on, I know that's not true. You can tell me." She strokes my hair,

"Alright." I say, "I'm worried. I don't think I can handle this, picking someone out of 35. I just... I'm scared."

"Oh Amberley. Don't fret. Just remeber the men are just as scared as you are! And remember, The public will help you decide." She grabs my hand, "I'm sure I was more frightned than your father, but I can't be too sure. But one thing I know for sure is that you will find a man out there that you love, and I also know for sure that they're hungry, so we better get you ready!" I smile.

"Okay." I say, my mother turns and lets my maids in, Julie, Anna and Margret. They have prepared me with a strapless light coral dress.

They help me into it and then work on my hair and makeup. They put my hair in a simple fishtail braid and apply soft makeup to my eyes and cheeks. They then slip my shoes into grey heels.

We get a knock at the door telling us that the men are patiently waiting. I leave my room and walk down the hall to the dinning area.

I open the doors and am comfronted with 35 strange men. I gasp. They all turn their heads towards me.

I take a deep breath then, "Hello, gentlemen! Today is such a special day! I am so excited to meet you all and this is where we'll start! I will speak to each of you and then see who will stay and who will leave, and yes I'm very sorry but some of you will go home today." I had practiced this speech at least a dozen times last night, it sounded so unnatural, "We will go around the table." Over the last week all I had been doing was crying and memorizing names. The man infront of me was Mark, Mark Strollson. "Mark?" I asked him, he nodded, "Come with me."


After many many boys some atrocious and some completly lovely, I got to Arron Bail. Orange shoes. "Arron?" I asked, "Come with me." He followed me into the parlor and we sat on a couch.

"Hello." he said.

"Hi. So, what do you like to do?" I could see him thinking, "I like to draw, and write. And travel, well I've never actually travled but I like seeing pictures of other places and imagining I'm there." he said. I thought for a minute. I was supposed to tell 5-10 people that they would come with me after the "interveiws." I only had six. Arron was the last one. Stay or go? Stay or go?

"Thank you Arron. That'll be all."

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