A date

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We all gathered at the table for dinner the next night. Well everyone but my mother, 

"Father, where is mother?" I asked as I sipped my water,

"She was feeling ill," he replies, "upset stomach."

I nod, "I hope she gets better." My father nods in response.

"Men." I say looking at our guests, they all turn towards me, "Tonight one of you will get a date with me. But it's so hard to choose! So you will choose for me!" They all exchanged excited looks, "I'm thinking of a letter of the alphabet, anyone who can guess it, gets the first date!"

"T." I think. 

I point to each of them as they guess, beside me, my father smiles. Lester guesses it. 

"Yes!" I say, "Lester meet me tonight at 8 o'clock. By the main door." I say.

My father whispers in my ear, "Nice idea Am." 

"Thank you." I whisper back.


Lester is 20 minutes late to pick me up and dosen't even apologize. I shrug it off and think that maybe he forgot what time he was supposed to come. 

I complement him on his suit and he just grunts, he dosen't even thank me, let alone complement me too. As the night goes on, Lester speaks only of himself, he talks about how his maids are stupid and how his suits always itch, he talks if how his food back home was just as good as this and how he's unimpressed. I try to speak, I bring up books and he scoffs and says how books are stupid. It's only 9:00 when I tell him I'm tired and want to go back. He accepts and leaves me to get back to the palace. 

I walk into my room to see my mother, "How was your date with Lester?" She asks, 

"Atrocious." I say, "How's your stomach?" 

"Better. How was it so bad my dear?"

I laugh, "You don't even know!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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