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My eyes fluttered open as I sat down the bed. Ah shit! I shouldn't have sat up.

I took a heavy breath and opened my eyes. I looked at an object and stared at it. After a few, my dizziness went away but the head ache stayed.

I sighed and looked up the ceiling. When I heard the door opened, my head snapped towards it.

“Hya! You're awake!” He exclaimed and runned towards me.

His face are filled with worry and guilt. After inspecting me, he gave me water and food. Which I happily ate, then silence came over the room.

Nobody talked nor questioned no one. We're surrounded by comfortable silence that helped lessen the head ache I'm having. When I was done eating, he took the styro and threw it away, while I drink some water.

“I'm sorry....” he silently mumbled and sat next the bed. “I shouldn't have shouted at you.”

“I'm also sorry for shouting. I'm just so exhausted and I snapped.”

“No, it's literally my fault. I shouldn't have let my anger flow. I was just so worried and I didn't think straight when I saw the basket. I'm really sorry, I should've understand what you fe–”

“You're rambling Lucas.”

“Sorry. I'm just really sorry, please forgive me.”


He looked at me and stared at my eyes.

“Hya, forgive me, ple–”

“No.” He showed a pained expression and I bit my lip. “Unless you buy me food, then we're all good.”

“Okay!” He lit up and smiled, then suddenly his smiled faded. “Hey! I already bought you food! The one that you are earlier.”

“Stop shouting.”


“Then buy me food. I'll accept your second apology.” I said and grinned.

“Oh come on, you're unfair Hya.”

“Life is unfair, Lucas.”

“Heh, you're unfairer, Hya.” He said and pouted, as he glared at me.

“Is there a word ‘unfairer’?” I said and prevent my laughter.

“Yes. There is now, because I said it.” He whiningly said and laughed, that made me laugh.

“What time is it?”


“WHAT!?” I exclaimed and looked at the window.

Oh shit! Mom will get worried!

“Calm down, I already texted Auntie.”

When I heard that, my face paled. She's going to get worried! She migh–

“I talked to the teachers and I said that I'll be the one to tell Auntie. Luckily when I walked in there, they were about to call her. But, I said that I'm your cousin and took the responsibility to tell your mom, what happened.”

“Are you going to tell her?” I said and looked at him with a frustrated expression.

“Depends, do you want me to tell her?”

“Can you?” I mumbled and looked at him. “Not tell her.”

“If that's what you want.”

“Thank you. I have a question,” I said and he just gave me the, go on–ask– the–question look. “My shoulder hurts, what happened?”

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