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It's kinda weird falling for your second cousin but she understands that........I think. Ariana and I have loved each other for years but not love..like LOVE.

Ariana is beautiful. But these are all my thoughts. "Ariana, lI have something to tell you" I say. Im all skaky because the question is something she is probably not prepared but don't worry theres no sex. "Yes" she says "can we go on-" "a date, okay" she says. WOW she knew. "Hold up, where and your paying for everything like my everything" she says "get it my everything" "that was so bad" I say "shut up".

"Lets go to Mcdonalds" I say, she rolls her eyes and says "really, what a perfect date" she says sarcastically.  "I was only kidding" I say and pull her into a lip kiss. My eyes pop open and so does hers, god why we look like penguins that stay still with their hands straight.  We pull out to get air because that was like 1 minute. "Oh my god" Ariana Says, "never ment that" I say "but I loved it" she says. Really.

"Well we should get ready for our date I booked yesterday" I say. We get our clothes and im not going to bother telling you my 'OOTD', thats just for girls. I change and see Ariana in this thing that like is really long and has ruffles at the bottom, "gurl, thats PRETTY" I say. "I know" she sasses. I pick her up and realize she is sooo light, like a baby. Wow.

"You are so light" I say, "and your so heavy" she says. Hey that was mean. We get in my car and drive off to a fancy restaurant called "amazing". I open the door for Ariana to get in first because lady's first. Ugh. The waiter comes and asks us for what we want, I said pork with beer, yeah I drink what the problem. Ariana asked for a salad because she is vegan and she ALWAYS asks for f****** salads but being vegan is hard.

We dig in but we do have maners so fu*k off.


This is like so weird.


2nd cousins {hariana}~Slow updateWhere stories live. Discover now