Chapter 3: Meeting the Big Brother

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Mackenly POV

About halfway there, I got an idea. I texted Abby to come pick me up and to drive me the rest of the way because I tripped and it hurts to walk. In about 1 minutes she shows up. I get in and she notices that I'm completely fine.

"Why did you lie to me?" She says suspiciously.

"I'm just too lazy to walk the rest of the way." I say simply.

She rolls her eyes and we drive to Hayes' house.

Hayes POV

Once I got home, I had a smile on my face knowing the Mackenly was coming over. Nash must have saw and it and smirked.

"Dude. Upstairs. Now." He says.

I follow him upstairs and we sit on his bed.

"Tell me about her." He says seeming really interested.

"Well, her name is Mackenly. The teacher wanted her to get me caught up on the lesson so she had us leave the class and go across the hall. She has long wavy brown hair with just a hint blond. She has medium brown eyes. She's really shy and a couple of guys told me not to hang out with her because she's just a geek." I tell him.

As I finish the doorbell rings. Nash smirks and runs to the door.

"Nash." I yell.

By the time I'm midway down the stairs the door is already open. There I see Mackenly and the girl she was talking to today when I asked her to come over.

"Hello, beautiful ladies. I'm Nash." He introduces himself.

Mackenly shakes his hand and after, Nash is focused on the girl behind her. Mackenly sees me and walks in.

"What's your name?" Nash asks the girl.

"Abby." She says.

"It's nice to meets you Abby." He says.

Both Mackenly and I look at them. Abby blushes while Nash rolls his eyes. I start to lead Mackenly upstairs.

"You 2 have fun!" I yell.

I hear Nash yell back and laugh. So does Mackenly. We go into my room and motion her to sit down in a chair. She gets out her notebook and a Math textbook.

"Okay," she says. "So we left off on undefined slopes right?"

I nod as I sit down next to her. As we were working through the problems, my hand accidentally touches hers. I smile as she blushes.

We en here laughing and screaming from down stares. We look at each other then tiptoe down stairs. I peek into the kitchen and see Nash and Abby having a food fight. I decided to interfere.

"Okay, what is go-" I get cut off by Nash throwing spaghetti at me.

"New plan!" Mackenly yells.

Then we all start throwing food at each other. Then Nash get put a Key Lime Pie.

"Wait wait stop stop!" Abby yells. "Look at this mess!"

"We need to end this." Nash says breathing heavily.

"Just one more thing." Mackenly says. "Nash?"


"Hit Hayes with the pie."

"N-" I get cut off with a pie in the face.

Mackenly, Nash, and Abby start laughing hysterically. After they calm down, Mackenly walks up to me, takes her finger, and takes a bit of pie. She eats it.

"Good pie." She says.

We all laugh and start to clean up. Once everything is clean, which took about and hour, Mackenly and Abby decided it's time for them to head out. Nash walks Abby out while I stay with Mackenly for a few minutes while she gets her stuff.

"I had fun tonight." She said.

"Me too." I say.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" She says.

"Yep." I say and lead her out the door.

"Okay. Thanks for inviting me over." She said, sorta mumbling

"No problem. Come by anytime." I tell her.

We smile at each other and she leaves with Abby. Nash comes back in and wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Shut up." I say.

"No can do." He says. "My little brother is having his very first crush!"

"Mackenly is just a friend. Nothing else!" I tell him.

"You see how these relationships work!" He says. "You both start out as friends, then best friends, and soon, one starts to fall for the other. And then, BOOM! Married in Hawaii with 2 kids."

I laugh at him. "Me and Mackenly are just friends. Nothing more, nothing less."

"If you say so..." He says.

"Now how about you and that Abby girl?" I ask him, smirking.

"I'm gonna do what you just did and say she's just a friend." He says mimicking me.

I roll my eyes and walk upstairs. I go to bed and think about what Nash said.

Can that really happen?

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Doobye!!!! 😘💗

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