Chapter 1 - Companions

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Waking up to another day, grabbing her blade as she immediately began to polish it with a rock, after taking a short bath in the nearby river. It may have been sunny, but the clouds were at an unusually fast pace today

The fluffy sheep clouds were thick and had a lot of coverage, blocking out almost every inch of sunlight there once was.

She had noticed how the sun had barely had the chance to shine and glow as much as it did before.

The female was a bit pissed since the sun was the only protection she had during the day, and now that it was gone, she had to work her arse off and hope no other demon would enter her house and devour her whole.

Not that they can, but she really hoped she wouldn't be battling against anyone today.

She was tired, and sleepy, after only one —maybe three hours of sleep.

Each slide of the rock against the blade in her hand created sparks of light that flew in the air for a few seconds before it disappeared into nothingness. The sight made her feel satisfied, every time she took a look at it before she rose it.

Inside her minka, she placed the blade underneath the small tea table in the middle of the small minka, and walked towards the fire to heat up some water and make some tea.

Picking some tea leaves as she placed them into a bamboo cup, placing a pot of water over a crackling fire, before returning back to the tea table.

She closed her eyes and began walking blindly around the house, touching and sliding her fingers against the walls

"Good morning!" A voice had greeted her at the table, as she opened her eyes and almost bumped into someone's body.

She looked down towards the male in front of her with slightly wide eyes.

"Oh," She said.

"He sent you here again?" She said, lifting her fingers from the wall she had been using to guide herself to the tea table as she was replied with an ecstatic nod.

"I will try and tell him to stop sending you if you dislike being here," She said, before sitting criss-cross on the table, bringing out the blade from under it.

Looking towards the ecstatic male, only to see him shake his hands as he kneeled on the ground, leaning his cheek against his hand as he placed his arm onto the table. "I don't mind. It's his orders in the end."

"Such loyalty you have," She complimented, continuing to sharpen her blade with a rock. "I'm impressed," She said before placing the blade down onto the ground again beside her, kneeling in front of the tea table.

"Thank you!" He said with an ecstatic close-eyed smile before she chuckled.

"Do you have any dreams to tell me?" She said, looking towards him as he only gave out a small smile. "You seem a bit... happier, than usual."

"Of course, I have made many fall asleep," Enmu said, his black to red and blue hair tossing behind him as he sat beside her. "There was even one who begged for me to give them a nice dream. All the others were stubborn but the faces they made when they realize it was just a dream was divine~"

"Such a sadist," She muttered incoherently before seeing steam pop from behind her.

"Ah, I have to make some tea," She remembered, before standing up, leaving Enmu to simply sit there and wait for her return.

Pouring leaves into the bamboo cup as she then went ahead and grabbed the metal handle of the pot. Only to slightly hiss as she burnt herself.

Sighing, she grabbed a cloth from the side and lifted the pot with it and poured the boiling hot water into the cup filled with tea leaves.

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