Chapter 4 - Mask (pt. 2)

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A voice sounded from the lady they were just hitting on as [Y/N] wrapped her arm around her waist in a secure manner, slowly directing the female from the men who kept giving her unwanted attention.

"And how would you know that? You are not a man," Another one said in protest as they swung their arms to try and take the female from her arms, only for her to lean away and still hold onto the female beside her.

"You are right, I'm not a man," she said monotonously as she stood upright, placing a hand onto the female's head as she tucked her behind herself. "But I say you men are doing a terrible job at what you're doing. And that's speaking from a woman."

Glaring at them as one of her eyes made contact with all of theirs before she could see them visibly sweatdrop. "It's either you go home, or you go home. Choose one" She said before she could see one of them clinch the neck of the bottle they were holding.

"You damn-" But before he could finish, his body had soon come in contact with the ground with an arm swing, kicking both of the other males with a sidekick before seeing them fall onto the ground as well.

"Nice answer, but you went a little bit to the left," She said before dusting her hands off, walking towards the female as she had to look down at her to make eye contact with her own orbs.

"May I ask for your name?" [Y/N] asked as she stretched an arm towards the woman, who only blush in return and grabbed both her own around hers.

Her skirt bounced from slight excitement, [Y/N] having to glare at some of the people who stared at her legs like some predator. Answering as she opened her mouth to speak up.

"Are you alone?" the [H/C]-haired female asked, as she saw her shake her head to answer a no.

"I came with someone else. We went out to eat some snacks and I separated from him to go to a store and buy something before they came around" She said before looking back at her heterochromia [E/C] and purple orbs.

That was before she started buttoning her exposed cleavage, not wanting any more people to stare at her as the female only stood still.

"I may as well accompany you until you find that someone you were with," She muttered underneath her breath before looking towards her with half-lidded eyes.

"Let's walk until we find him," Wrapping her arm around hers, linking both their arms together as they began to walk down the road.

"Mind telling me why you refuse to fight them when you are very much capable of beating them on your own?" She asked, striking up an unexpected conversation as the female beside her only flinched a bit.

"I don't really f-feel like beating them ahaha..." She said, scratching her head slightly as [Y/N] only hummed in thought.

"You said you went to a store to buy something. What were you going to buy?" She asked as the female only looked up in sudden realization.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" She asked before grabbing onto her wrist and pulling her as she began to run somewhere.

Her eyes widened at the grip the female had held onto her as she slightly stumbled before finally catching up to her. 'So strong'

"Some dango please!" She could hear her say, as the both of them stood in front of a store that sold the sweet-smelling delicacies.

Feeling a tug on the sleeve of her yukata, she only hummed and looked towards the female in question with slightly raised brows. "Uhm...I didn't really get your name a while back," She said, rather genuinely curious.

"[Y/N]" was her simple reply as the female nodded and soon, received the bag of dango she was given, going to pay for the food as the heterochromatic female only looked back to see one of the men staring at a certain someone's arse.

She sighed and simply outstretched her arm slightly above the lady's waist, as the cloth that had hung on her arms had covered her exposed thighs and caused the men to shoot her a look.

To which she easily reciprocated and scared them off, them running away from fear.

"Alright, let's go!" She heard the female answer before retracting her hand and following behind her.


A male voice popped from behind them as the duo turned to look, only to be met with a slightly shorter male wearing a mask of the sort that covered his entire lower face.

"Ah, there you are!" Said the ecstatic female as she walked towards him and stood beside him before conversing.

[Y/N] was about to leave them by themselves, since she had no more reason to stay and didn't want to have to eavesdrop on accident before she felt another tug on her yukata.

Sighing in exhaustion, she turned to look, only to immediately feel something being pushed into her chest.

"Here! For helping me from a while ago and for walking with me!" She said, flustered a bit as she linked her arms with the male who had something wrapped around his shoulders. "I really am sorry for making you do this for me! I really appreciate it"

"Are you sure?" [Y/N] asked in confirmation, going to stretch the bag towards the female. She stopped her and puffed her cheeks up, shaking her head rapidly before smiling.

"It's all yours!" Was her simple answer, before the male, pulled her behind him and glared at the other woman.

His eyes slightly widen as she had begun walking away from them, without saying another goodbye.

"Oh, she's gone. Let's go now. I think she went home somewhere. I prolonged her stay here after all!" Said the female before walking along down the road with a smile, as the male beside her only narrowed his eyes at where the other female once stood.

He hadn't been able to observe her for long, not even a glimpse of her entire face since his attention was towards his friend, but for him, something felt unceasingly comforting.

But he shook it off.

"Let's go Iguro-san!" The female shouted as the male only let out a small smile underneath his bandaged face.

"Alright, Kanroji"


"Hm? What's that on your face [Y/N]-chan?" Inquired a familiar honeyed voice as she turned to look at him with a stone face.

"A mask?" She asked back with another question before her mask had been lifted and her heterochromia orbs were met with rainbow-colored ones. "Yes...?"

"It looks good on you!" He complimented, hanging the mask on the side of her head as she only stood silent at the sudden statement.

"Thank you, Douma-sama," She said simply, her eyes squinting as she let out a somewhat forced smile. She was tired. She didn't know why she felt so tired but she was.

"A pleasure!" He said in response before she shook her head and went inside, not bothering to give the demon one last goodbye.

Now that she thought of it, the event that caused her to arrive at home a little too late for her liking, was an unusual encounter with the strong female...

Placing the white-colored mask beside her futon, she laid down and began to sleep as she lost herself in a dreamless slumber.

...Most especially when she refused to use her weapon against the men that had come straight for her.


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