The day Izuku got OFA

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 ~ Third person POV ~

It was a bright and sunny afternoon when a certain greenette was walking out of school only to be stopped by a angry blond at the gate way . "OI!! DAMN NERD!! GET BACK HERE!!" Screamed Katsuki running over to the greenette , when he finally caught up he caught his breath and said "The old hag invited you and auntie over .. " The greenette flinched at first but then gave a small smile  "sure kacchan.." and with that the blond ran a bit ahead of izuku so it wouldnt look like they were walking together . 

~ Katsuki's POV ~

tsk... that stupid nerd.. why does he have to always smile like that?! UGH!! everytime i think of him i start to feel this aweful feeling in my tummy ! maybe i should see a doctor..? HAH?! NO WAY! THE KATSUKI BAKUGO SICK?! no fu(:>)ing way!!

 "uhm kacchan are you okay?" he stuttered out .  "YEA IM FINE NERD AND STOP FOLLOWING ME!!" Why must he always look down on me?!

"S-sorry.. " He says quietly and looks down at the side walk . Suddenly a loud crash was heard from an alleyway they were passing by . Izuku stopped walking at looked in the direction of the crash . "Just ignore it you damn nerd!" i probably said that too loud as he flinched and covered his ears . 

even after i told him to ignore it he continued staring i was about to grab his wrist and start walking when we heard someone say "The heros are here to save us!!!" Suddenly both our heads violently turned to where the sound came from and we both took one look at each other and jolted off into the alleyway and out onto a busy crouded street of people watching the villian from a distance .  

As we moved closer we started to get more exited seeing proheros in Battle , Izuku suddenly pulled out a notebook and a pen out of nowhere and started jotting down notes . Every two seconds he would look up with starry eyes at the battle . 'cute.. wait what! I DIDNT THINK THAT ' honestly i was more focused on him then the battle .. Suddenly there was a sound behind us and we heard a scream that sounded like maniacal laughter , again we took one look at each other and rushed over back into the alley way . there was a man dressed in black talking to a girl dressed in red .. wait.. no.. shes dressed in white with some red stuff on he- wait.. IS THAT BLOOD?!..shit.. I look to my left as i hear shakey breathing next to me to see izuku in tears . I dont know why but the moment i saw him like that my heart felt a piercing pain .. We were too shocked to react too much so we hid behind some garbage cans and tried to listen to what they were saying . 

"Perfect so is the plan ready?" the mysterious lady whispered loud enough for us to hear , "yes part 1 is done now we move on to part two .." Slowly another person started emerging from the shadows . He was so sneaky that if it wasnt his quirk in action then it must have taken years to accomplish 'Im still stronger tho ' "i didnt quite hear you could you repeat.." said the guy who just came out of the shadows but this guy was COMPLETELY covered with black clothing you couldnt even see his skin colour or face . 

"who are you?" the lady replied , "Your boss doesnt trust you to get the work done so he sent me " the new guy said blanky showing no emotion. " okay, levron explain the plan .." the lady blankly said as she pulled something out of her suitcase and tapped a button on it to turn it into a high tech chair . " So the slime villian is just a distraction we have instructed him NOT to kill any people and cause minimim damage possible , hes instructed to make a lot of noise and pretend to kill . While all the wanna-be heros go defeat him we will attack the citizens .

~ Izuku's POV ~

'Kacchan looks like hes plotting a plan against these guys , im suprised he didnt rush in and cause damage yet' katsuki suddenly turned to me and pulled me away from there "Go get pro heros Ill fight them off for now..." he whispered  . ' WHAT i wasnt gonna let him risk his and other peoples lives like that ! But i knew kacchan wouldnt change his mind so i ran.. i just took off and ran back to where the battle was happening . I ran up to a pro hero and told him everything that happened quickly hoping kacchan was okay and didnt fight them yet. The pro just looked at me and gave a disgusted look " look kid dont distract me with your made up stories and go take cover! the adults will handle it ! " he yelled at me . 

Now i was panicking , fear rushed over me and my body just started moving .. it was just the thought of kacchan taken as hostage or injured scared me and my body just  took off ... i couldnt stop myself i ran so fast it looked like i had a quirk , in fear i ended up running past kacchan and straight at the villians . 

The villians had their backs turned so they didnt notice me until i started screaming .. i suddenly felt a burning sensation in my hands and legs .. as i got closer i realised that electicity and explosions were coming out of my hands ! i charged at them and electified two of them but the man who came out of the shadows had disappeared .. those two started getting up and recovering from my attack .. now i had control of my body .. and i was frozen in fear .. they started walking up to me with black mist coming out of their hands when my reflexes acted up and i threw a huge explosion at them . All of this led to my arms and legs becoming numb with pain . i fell on my knees as i scooted to the wall of the alley way and watched another shadowy figure run at them.. it was kacchan.. it was all blurry from then but i managed to stay conscious 

The mysterious man had returned but.. instead of fighting me and kacchan it was fighting against the villians then it removed its cloak and said.. Never fear beacause.. 


Hello!! it is I the writer , i hope you enjoyed this part it took me a long time to complete i will be uploading regularly but for now enjoy this cliff hanger . <3   ^3^ 

1178 Words :O 

Damn nerd...  (bkdk / Bakudeku / Katsudeku )  (Multiple quirk deku)Where stories live. Discover now