All might explains

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~ 3rd person POV ~

Recovery girl was on leave for that week so a nurse with the same powers but less strong took over. "Is there a bakugo katsuki here?"  The nurse came outside and said . " Yes over here!! is izuku okay?! " Bakugo said with a worried expression that you would be fortunate enough to see once in a life time . She chuckled at his question " yes hes completly fine he just over used his quirk and should be getting the side effects when he waked up and the burn marks are because of explosions too near to skin but they arent too severe they will fade in about a week . He is going to be in a very weak state for a week or two though it will be hard to walk and all his side effects will be there but x2 . He will be discharged from here when he wakes up . " She said and walked away with a smile . 

Katsuki looked like he was about to faint , he was frozen in shock. " WHAT THE F*CK DID SHE JUST SAY?! "  . All might squinted from the loud noise and said " Keep it down! there are other patients here! " He whisper yelled . " And why are you so suprised?" He said with a confused look directed to katsuki . " but deku doesnt have a quirk!! " he said bluntly trying his best not to scream . " Who told you that?! " all might asked. " The quirk doctor!! " He said Angrily as he thought all might was making fun of him . 

The nurse came back out " he should wake up any second now you can go see him " she said leaving to room with a smile that was craving for some coffee lucky for her it was aldready her coffee break.

They both rushed in and found deku still unconcious on the hospital bed , they sat down on two chairs next to his bed. They sat in silence for a moment and then slowly izuku started opening his eyes , squinting and trying to adjust to the light in the room . "mmm.." Izuku groaned as his whole body was aching in pain . He looked to the side to see katsuki with tears streaming down his face . "K-kacchan.." he said looking at him with half lidded eyes and a warm smile . 

Katsuki's eyes widened a bit then he looked back at deku tears still streaming down his face " dont speak nerd.. " he said his voice twitching with guilt . Then deku felt another presence in the room and he turned his head to see all might in his buff form.. he thought that this was all a dream and he was meeting his idol . But he was so concerned of where he was and why kacchan was crying he decided not to fan boy yet . 

"W-where ... Am I?" he stuttered . "Your at UA high Medical room since the normal hospitals were too far away " All might said blankly . The nurse came in " I need to do some tests and ask some questions since he is awake ill call you both in when im done . They both nodded and walked out . Izuku was still shocked that he was at THE UA highschool .

~ Time Skip to 1 hour later ~ 

Suddenly the door opened causing katsuki and all might to look up from their phones , Izuku walked out the door with bandages all over his arms and legs and using crutches to walk , and a big smile on his face as he remembered what happened and got exited at thought of having a quirk . He was wearing black jeans paired with a white long sleeved shirt .

They immediatly got up and helped him sit down on one of the couches "So are you allowed to leave yet?" katsuki asked in a very gentle and calming tone to not frighten or trigger the Injured Greenette in front of him . "Yea she said i could leave " Izuku said in a soft happy tone . 

"Why dont we go into my office and ill explain everything . " all might said franticly as he was getting tired of holding his muscular form for so long. They both nodded and followed him to a wooden door labeled Toshinori Yagi at the top . They stepped in and sat on the Chairs in front of the desk and Toshinori ( AKA   All might )  sat behind the desk . Izuku and bakugo were very confused and it was clearly visable from the looks on their faces . 

"Its a very long story.. " He started " But you deserve to know the truth ..." . "Ill start from the begining" 

~ A Few Years Ago... ~

There were two young boys .. those boys were best friends since childhood .. They would always protect eachother and stand up to bullies one was quirkless and the other was a late boomer . As they advanced to middle school They started growing apart  .. Soon the late boomer started joining forces with the bullies . He wouldnt actually bully his friend but he would just stand by and watch his friend get beaten up . 

One day on the quirkless boys birthday .. his old friend showed up at the party .. Only one person showed up to that party and her name was mitsuki  . Mitsuki knew about the bullying and  stood infront of the quirkless child to protect him from the late boomer .. At the end of the party those three became close again when the quirkless kid and the late boomer got a moment alone the late boomer apologized for leaving him and said if he ever does something stupid like that to his future children then he wants him (The quirkless child ) to take care of them (the child/children) instead of him (himslef ) . 

Sooner or later middle school got over now they both had gone completely different ways during middle school the quirkless child kept a secret .. which is.. Somebody gave him a quirk .. So the quirkless child became a hero and went to UA high Where as the late boomer found a wife and had a lovely baby boy .. but he started becoming an alcoholic , He started abusing his kid . But the quirkless kid never knew because he became a famous hero and couldnt track them down as much as he tried . Sooner or later Mitsuki came to visit the late boomers house as she was best friends with his wife .

That day she found out that the late boomer was abusing his child . She imediatly called the cops but the late boomer aldready fled the scene he was never seen in that house since. He became a villian in anger and greediness . His code name was the name of his quirk.. All for one.. he became the number one villian  . The quirkless kid finally got to meet all for ones kid one day but the kid was only 2 years old .. And that kid was.. you.. Izuku .. 

Midoriya's eyes widened but he continued to pay close attention to the story .

 Ofcourse Mitsuki had a kid too and that kid was you Katsuki.. 

Katsuki just stared at all might in disbeleif and Continued listening to the story he knew that his moms name was mitsuki but he just thought it was somebody else . 

"I was.. the quirkless child.. And the late boomer was your father izuku.." All might teared up a bit while saying this. "I was not aware that he had been harming you until a year ago .. im sorry you had to go through that for eight whole years.. by the time i realized you and your mother had aldready moved away ... Izuku your probably confused on how you used electricity and explosions in the fight and it is because you inherited your fathers quirk.. "  Izuku and katsuki were Frozen in shock ..


Ayo!! How you guys doing? ooo have you done something to your hair cuz you look amazing! ; ) . Anyways stay awesome i finally finished this chapter whew this realy took long . ty for all the reads!!! 

1427 words :O 

Damn nerd...  (bkdk / Bakudeku / Katsudeku )  (Multiple quirk deku)Where stories live. Discover now