(Not a chapter) A little easter egg

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"Mommy, when can we go to Uncle Lorenzo's house!"
A little girl asked her mother, her mother smiled back.

"We'll be there in a few days just wait till Friday."




Five years later


"Mama, why is Uncle Lorenzo in the hospital?"

"Well.. he's just sick"

And sick he was, sick he was..




A year later the girl's family, mainly her youngest big brother cries as the friends and family members of their Uncle share their fun experiences and favorite moments that had with him.

The girl didn't understand much of what they were saying since they were saying it all in Spanish, but she caught snippets of what they meant here and there.

They were in Juarez after all, and every family member of hers at least speaks a bit of Spanish.

Her father walks with her to a coffin, what or who was inside the coffin was unknown to her. Until her father told her who it was on her way to it.

"That's your Uncle Lorenzo in there, this will be your last time seeing him."

She looked, and saw her Uncle in the coffin. He looked so, so different.

"When you and Angel were younger you would go to your Uncle's house, when you two were outside with him at nighttime he would catch the tips of sticks on fire to wave it around and spell out words. He and Angel would do this since Angel loved watching the fire dance. It's a while back, you probably don't even remember."

She didn't remember. But oh how she wished to remember those times, something to remember of them having fun with Uncle Lorenzo.

The next day she didn't come, she didn't want to see him get buried.

'Her brother loved watching the fire, their Uncle would take them out at nighttime and grabbed some sticks to light the tips of them on fire. He then would wave them around, watching the fire seem like it's spelling out things and dancing.'

So, it's a bit like an Easter egg. A tiny one, that not much people would have noticed.

One of the memories me and Angel (my youngest big brother, out of four) had with my Uncle, I sadly don't remember much but my parents and my brother tell me about em to cover it up a bit more.

So yes, the girl was me. Although I still like being called by any pronouns like they/them, he/him, and she/her even though I'm a girl and not non-binary nor a boy. I'm just weird like that.

It isn't really a chapter, not relating to the story but I feel like sharing it. Not wanting to be pitied, not at all.

Word count: 419 words

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