Chapter twenty

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We were just laying on the swing bench, watching the stars. It was nice to be relaxing outside with Narcissa. I had started mindlessly running my fingertips over her arm, still laying in silence.

"So what do you think is in that room?" She asked turning to me, pulling my attention away from the sky.

"I have no idea. Why do you want to know so badly?" I asked in return.

"I don't know, I guess it's just because there could be literally anything in that room and we wouldn't know."

"I think that's the point of it being locked, so we won't know what's in the room."

"That's the thing, y/n! We have the option to know what's in it but we aren't doing that right now."

"Whatever is in there, it can't possibly be that bad."

"Exactly so let's see what's in it!" She started to get up.

"I think you are way too interested in what could be in there, for all we know it's probably just family records." I shrugged, but Narcissa started pulling my hand to get me up.

"See, y/n. 'For all we know', come on! I want to know and I know you do too." She had gotten me all the way off the bench.

"Fine! Let's try the door." I rolled my eyes, she just smiled and got excited.

As I was following behind her, I kept thinking of what could be in the room. And the closer we got, the more nervous I became. I don't know if I was nervous because of what could be in the room or nervous of how my father would react to me being in the room and looking around. We had just made our way up the stairs before I stopped.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Narcissa." I said.

"Why not?" She stopped and turned to me.

"I'm not sure, I'm getting a strange feeling." I muttered.

"Nonsense, you're an adult and you can't get in trouble for being curious." She stated.

"What if my parents were protecting me from something, something I'd see in there?" I asked.

"You won't know until you get inside and find out exactly what's been hidden." She put her hand on her hip.

I just nodded and walked with her towards the door. I was getting more and more anxious as we got closer. I tried to shake the feeling out of my mind, but I couldn't. I kept thinking how stupid I was for suddenly feeling so odd about what's in there. In a few short moments, we were at the door.

"Go ahead. Open it." She smiled, trying to hold in her excitement jumps.

"Fine." I said, turning to the door.

I summoned out my wand and pointed it to the doorknob, "Alohomora" I said.

I tried the door knob but it was still locked. I frowned but I remembered another spell.

"Aberto." I said. I heard a click.

I turned to Narcissa, who no longer had a look of excitement on her face.

"Is it open?" She asked.

I reached for the doorknob, and I opened the door.

"I think it is." I stated, she just rolled her eyes at me.

I walked in and turned on the light. At first glance, everything seemed normal. Like an average office space. It is definitely large than an office needs to be. Straight ahead of the door was a large dark wood desk with a similar colored leather chair behind it. There were bookshelves that lined the far back wall. Oddly enough, I think it's the only room in the house beside the library that didn't have windows. I started to walk around the room, there wasn't much to look at seeing as there weren't any paintings on the walls or really any decor.

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