Reunions And Revenge

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40 minutes earlier

Ghost POV

After we recovered Apollo and his crew they are immediately put into binds to keep them from moving.

Apollo: Well this isn't very comfortable.

Nova: Quit moving so I can help your leg dumbass.

Apollo: Aren't you a charmer. He says with a wink.

Athena: Shut it.

Apollo: One question.

Black widow: What is it.

Apollo: When will we be at your HQ?

Fiend: In like 30 seconds.

Apollo: Really?

Fiend: Yes really now once we land you will be put into holding cells for now until we find you a place in our band of misfits.

Suddenly one of the pilots speaks on the helicopters intercom.

Pilot: We are landing all personal retreat inside until further notice that is all thank you.

We wait a couple of minutes until the red light in the helicopter switch's to green.

Pilot 2: All clear we are Starting our descent landing in 5 4 3 2 1 and we have touchdown lady's and gentlemen welcome to HQ hope you have a wonderful stay!

We all exit the helicopter and follow The Whisperer as we are making our way through the corridors I noticed everyone is staring at me with wide eyes eventually fiend and snake eyes split from us taking Apollo and his crew as well as my dad to the holding cells.

Ghost: Will they be fine?

Whisperer: Yes they will be we take great care of our prisoners.

Ghost: Good.

Whisperer: You care about them?

Ghost: Not the pilots but the fur is in my squad.

Before I know it we are in front of a giant door that says throne room above it.

Ghost: Throne Room what are we playing Kings and Queens now?

I hear Luna let out a small laugh.

Ghosts thoughts: Why why did hearing her laugh make my heart skip a beat?! No I can't possibly still have feelings for her can I?!

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Luna grabbing my arm I turn around and look up at her And I notice that she looks rather nervous.

Ghost: What do you want. I coldly ask.

Luna: Can I hold your hand just for right now? She asks while looking at the floor.

Ghost: Do whatever you want just don't annoy me.

Luna's eyes light up as I say this as she walks beside me I look at everyone else who all look surprised.

Ghost: What's with you guys and staring it's pissing me off.

Whisperer: Cut it out guys the boss doesn't like it when we fuck around so cut the chatter and only speak when spoken to got it?

Everyone except Ghost: Yes sir.

Whisperer stands in front of me and then knocks on the heavy door and after a few seconds it slowly opens revealing a giant room with what has to be Hells Angels enforcers and in the back on a throne sits their leader with 2 naked men chained and kneeling at her feet.

Ghost: What in gods name is going on here? I quietly say to myself.

Ava: Ahh Finally whisperer your back did you succeed?

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