My Heart

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As their horse's hooves cantered off the ground, two of the horses came to a stop.

"What's wrong guys?" Prince Norman turned around.

"How do you look non-stop for Emma? D'you ever give it a rest...?" Prince Ray hit his head off of his horse and sighed.

"I know, this guy goes day and night without food! I'm starving!" Prince Oliver rubbed his belly and complained.

"Oh...well, I guess I forget to eat sometimes," Norman slipped off Sunshine and patted her.

"Are you that obsessed with Emma? What are you even going to do when you find her?" Ray asked.

"I'll hug her and say I missed her very much. And I'm certain we'll find her before the TCRG and then she and I will watch the event, and hopefully she'll cheer me on when I compete!" Norman explained, as he blushed, then added, "Well- If Ray's okay with that."

"Ray has moved on, in fact Ray's taking notes, so he can do it all with The Maid." Oliver teased.

"What Maid? Who?" Norman asked.

"It's no one, in fact it's not important, I don't know why this Doofus brought up the topic..." Prince Ray covered his mouth with his sleeve and murmured.

"I saw that blush~" Oliver laughed and pranced around with his horse Apples.

"Shut up already!" Ray swiftly ran forward with Midnight leaving the pair.

"Who's the Maid?" Norman whispered.

"It's this girl called Anna. And I think he likes her." Oliver replied.

"I'm not deaf." Ray walked back without Midnight.

"Oh...Ray your back! Where's Midnight?" Norman asked.

"Look, I can't get feelings for Maids, it's inefficient and against the rules of Royalty, so whatever you're saying is all false. I don't have feelings for her, I just like talking with her," He explained.

"Let's not try to get on his nerves..." Norman whispered to Oliver.

"Agreed." Oliver replied.

"So where's Midnight Ray?" Oliver asked once they caught up to him.

"There's an inn down the South and they allowed Midnight to take a few laps around the Field." Ray murmured.

"Oh, well, I want to check it out!" Norman galloped forward with Sunshine.

"Me too! Hopefully it has food!" Oliver followed.

Ray slapped his forehead and sighed.

"At this rate, it's been a day, and we've made no literal progress. Who knows when Emma will be found? And Mother...

Honestly I don't even know if I want her back, she was always correcting me, and talking about me with Father. But it wasn't a compliment or something positive, just my faults. But if Anna advised me to, I'll just go on with these Morons..."

Prince Ray started to sigh and catch up to the pair.

After some laps around the field, Norman decided to sit down on a bench beside the Owner of the Inn.

"Thank you for letting my friends stay here. And for letting us use this place." Norman told the Guy. He had broccoli shaped green hair and a cunning smile.

"No problem. Though my Papa is going to come back soon, so you guys can't stay for too long. Sorry." He apologised.

"Oh it's fine, we'll leave soon." Norman put his hands to his cheeks and looked at the mud.

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