• chapter 4 •

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"Wake up princess" I flickered my eyes open to see adrian standing over me smiling, "shut up" I said as I muffled my face into a pillow. "Come on marinette I made breakfast stop being lazy" he said while walking out of my room and into the small dorm kitchen. I flipped my body over on my back and stretched my arms and legs all while yawning loudly. I got up and walked over to the kitchen while rubbing my left eye till I smelt something absolutely delicious, my eyes shot open and I wasn't tired anymore "breakfast sausage!" I said smiling and speeding over to Adrian "yup! And eggs, I was scared you wouldn't like them for a moment" he said while looking up at me from the pan of scrambled eggs "wow" he said blinking kind of slowly and staring at me "what?" I said kind of defensively because I was still kind of tired "nothing you just.. look really good for someone who just woke up" I slightly blushed because that was an unexpected answer "um thanks" I said awkwardly smiling and then giggling slightly I grabbed a piece of sausage and took a bite "wow this is pretty good, Agreste" i said while chewing "wow addressing me by last name now?" He said playfully while turning off the stove and pouring the eggs on both of our plates he had ready. "Thank you weirdo" I said grabbing my plate and walking to the couch, "oh how I love your romantic nik names M'Lady" he said sarcastically and dramatic. I choked on my egg for a moment, "M'Lady?" I said laughing and looking back at him in the kitchen. "Yea I think it will fit more once I actually make you mine princess" he said smiling at putting a piece of egg in his mouth while leaning on the counter. "And what makes you so sure that I'll be yours? I've had countless roommates hit on me in the last 2 years at this school, so what makes you so special?" I said putting a sausage in my mouth and smiling deviously. "Well I can assume that all the guys who hit on you before only liked the thought of having a girlfriend, where as I only like the thought of having you" I froze as he put his plate in the sink and stared walking out of the room "you might wanna hurry and get ready for class that starts in about an hour" he lightly laughed and walked into his room and shut the door.

I was getting on my shoes as Adrian called "are you almost ready?" He was waiting by the door for a while because I had lost my shoes and was now putting them on in a rush "ok got it!" I yelled as I finally got the shoe on, I ran out of my room and to the door. I saw alya outside the door and walked over to her while adrian was locking the door, I had sent her a text of where my new dorm was the night before, "so how was your first night with mr.lab partner here hmm?" Alya said while wiggling her eyebrows at me and Adrian "oh come on alya" I said rolling my eyes. We all had the same first period so we decided to just walk together with Adrian. "So i hear you cook a little mr.agreste" alya said walking backwards in front of us to look at Adrian face to face, "actually I cook a lot but Marientte hasn't gotten to see that yet" he said smiling. "Well maybe I should come to your dorm for meals shouldn't I?" Alya said while staring to walk facing forward again, "my roommate can't do anything right but he's pretty cute" "oh yea I haven't even heard anything about your new roommate alya", "his names nino he's some kind of DJ and he's kind of dorky, I mean the guy sleeps with his read hat on" Adrian stopped walking and me and alya turned to look at him, he was laughing "what's so funny?" I said looking at him confused as hell. "Alyas roommate is my life long best friend" he said starting to walk again, "wow how unlucky we are" I said to alya while bumping arms jokingly and smiling.

My stupid Dorm mateWhere stories live. Discover now