For Life III☹️

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Omniscient POV

"To the Brownlee High Graduating Class of 2010, I want to leave you with a few words. These words aren't meant to be corny or be taken for granted. They are meant to make you think, so listen up." Lauren, the valedictorian, said to her classmates.

This was supposed to be one of the best days of her life. A day she has been waiting for since she was a child but, Lauren was feeling a little underwhelmed and felt that everything was just lackluster.

The cause of her feelings was one person...Y/N. They were supposed to be celebrating this day together whether they were lovers or friends, but they were neither. After that day Lauren broke things off Y/N never made an effort to understand things from Lauren's point of view which caused the bright smile-dimpled girl to feel anger and heartbreak from the girl.

All Lauren wanted was for Y/N to understand why she reacted the way she did but it never happened. This caused the two to stop speaking altogether and even when school started back they went their separate ways.

Lauren started to join more clubs and be more involved in school with the persuasion of her mother who didn't want her child to be that one kid who puts their life on hold because of a heartbreak. She joined Student Council and the Debate Team her sophomore year of school. She became the Vice President of the Student Council and the President of the Debate Team her senior year. She even found out that she liked playing Volleyball and was great at it. She received a Partial Scholarship from Georgia State University but she received and accepted a full scholarship from the University of Grandberry Deborough in Pennsylvania.

Moving hundreds of miles away for college was something she could never plan for but she felt like it was right.

Now, on the other hand, we have Y/N, who after she and Lauren split up fell in the worse way possible. School got put on the back burner and everything else she wanted out of life did as well. She ended up being arrested for something Peanut did and tried to blame on her. Luckily the victim dropped the charges against her, not wanting her to go to jail for some she didn't even do.

That led Y/N to stop hanging with Peanut and just be solo. She went the rest of high school under the radar she was in and she was out none more none less. She did enough in class that made her eligible to pass and graduate.

The real struggle came when her mom said that Y/N had to get a job after she graduated cause she wasn't going to support and take care of somebody who doesn't even want it for themselves. At first, Y/N thought she was playing but she started to see that her mom was serious so she started looking for work before she graduated. She found little small jobs but they weren't paying enough so she tried to do a warehouse job. That didn't work out cause she didn't like the strict schedule they had so she quit.

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