Operation: Holy Lyre

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Inconsistent updates, this is my first book I will not be updating daily. Sorry my readers

This is basically Teyvat but in the future, meaning there's still different species/races.
The characteristics set apart individuals so I didn't want to rob that.

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Year: 2036, 71
Operation: Steal holy lyre
Operatives: Adeptus and Exorcist
Client: Venti from Barbatos syndicate


"I got eyes on the Vice of the company, he's exiting the building on the right wing. Come from the left."
Chongyun explained into his earpiece.

"Got it."
I responded, I get out of the car, slamming the door behind me.

Get the lyre for the boss then leave. Swiftly, but always be Vigilant.
I reminded myself.

"Walk to the back exit, I'm looking down at two guys right now. Show them the ID I gave you. Should I wave at you from the top of the building?"
Chongyun comments, waving at me.

I glance at him, blinking my eyes.
Chongyun rolls his eyes and backs away from the ledge of the rooftop.

I adjust my black suit, the tie was decorated with teal. My hair was tied in a low ponytail. Just my luck, mortals are getting suspicious.

Both of them wore grey suits, both were buff looking. Both guarded the doors like dogs.

"Stop right there, we need to see some verification."
One of the men stop me, his hand blocking the doorway.

I glare at the tall man in disgust, shrink a couple inches mortal.
I reply.

"Form of identification now."
The man demands, his buddy glanced at me before looking away. These guys were beefy chums, I could easily take them down. Best not to start a fight.

"It would be my pleasure."
I added with a blank stare. Handing the ID Chongyun had given me.

The man was quiet while inspecting it.

"You have business to attend to?"
The man asks, handing me back my card.

"Yes, I'm here for the board meeting."
I reply.

"The Vice President has left but Mrs. Rosaria is in her office."
I nodded my head, the man opens the door. Letting me slip through the gap. The floors were marble and the air was fresh.

The smell of Valberry was too strong for me however, so pungent and fruity.
The white walls were blinding when accompanied by the light. I walked down the hallway, passing two elevators.

The holy lyre must lay somewhere near here. I scanned the names of each door I passed.

"Rex Lapis statue."

I spotted a room with the name,
"Holy lyre."
I press my earpiece, "I fed the cat."

"Good, now head inside and take it, head to the elevator and meet me on the roof. They're sending a helicopter to pick us up."
Chongyun responded.

I open one of the rings that sat on my finger. Inside the gem part lay key.
I took off the ring, putting it to the keyhole.

"The door is unlocked but it won't budge."
I whispered.


"Fuck, the line cut out."
I hissed, I have to figure this out myself.
I scan the area quickly. Luckily there's no cameras in the back area. I push open the door, hearing a thud sound.

I push the door even harder, the door busted open. In front of me was a blonde-haired man upside down. His foot was tied to a grappling wire. There was a latch which I guess he climbed down from and is taking the lyre.

His hair was in a braid and he wore a dark blue suit. At least he can dress up, he seems attractive. Even when hanging upside down.
"Hey there, mind if I steal this?"
The boy smiled cheekily, grabbing the lyre and grappling up.

I hiss, I turn towards the door. Being blocked by the same two men.

"I knew you were suspicious!"
One of the men snarled.
I open the coat of my suit, taking out a syringe.

One of the men come charging at me, I quickly disable him. Using the syringe and stabbing it into his side, kicking the back of his knee. One down, one more to go.

The other one keeps his position near the door.
Meaning backup is coming soon, I sprint towards the man. He widens his legs and is ready to apprehend me.

Big mistake mortal.
I let my right foot guide me, my body slides on the marble floor. Stabbing the man in his right calf. I throw myself up, turning around to kick the man in the back.

He goes tumbling over, I quickly close the door and lock it.
I book it towards the exit.
Outside is quiet, yet something doesn't feel right.

I shove the syringe in my pocket.
"Hey there buddy."
A voice greets me. I turn around to see the CEO of the company, Mrs. Rosaria.

She held Chongyun's earpiece.
"Looking for this?"
She says, tilting her head.

"Where is he?!"
Fidgeting around I fine the same syringe.

"I hope you know but I don't knock out from Tylenol."
She says blankly.
"I could care less about that lyre, instead go chase after those idiots that stole it. And I won't report you to the favonious police."
I narrow my eyes in disgust.

"Where did they go."
I stated firmly.

"Towards Wanmin, get that lyre or I'll shut down your little mission."
She threatens, walking away.

Damn that mortal, this stealing mission is turning into a retrieving one.
I turn towards my car, running and getting into the driver seat.


"Adeptus, incoming call from, Lapis."

I reply.

"Answering call"

Silence is what I received before some words.
"Hello, I am hoping you have the lyre."
My boss says calmly.

"Not yet boss, I promise I will give it to you soon." I respond. I signal left, turning towards the freeway.

"Xiao, you should know that a contract is a contract. I need the lyre before the the Dragon fete."

"...Yes boss."

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