Operation: Old friends

799 35 45

(Xiao POV)

"We are back!"
Aether kicked down the door of his penthouse.
The inside was all fixed, blankets folded neatly and the tiles were spotless.

On the counter was another note.
"A note?"
Aether questioned, picking it up.

"No traveler, that is a sticky honey roast."
Aether turned back, not impressed with my wording.

"Well, let's see what this letter has in store for u-"
Aether paused and started turning the note, looking behind it, etc.

"Do not stall, what does it say?"
The blond wore a look of excitement.
Handing me the note, although there was a glint of worry in his eyes.

To Xiao and his friend,
Hey there comrade! I told you that you would want my help. Well, I got your friends at my place right now. Don't worry, they are in good health. Just mind stopping by?

Maybe meet me at Northland bank before the end of the day?! Excited to see you :)

Tartaglia Ajax

"He told you something?"
Aether asked, head tilting slightly.
"It is none of your concern, our priority should be getting those two back."

"How did they even know where I stayed?!"
Aether asked, bothered by the knowledge of that Fatui.

"He is from an electrical company, and provides water as well. The owner of it all, he is quite the bothersome person.
He is also from the fatui agency, owned by the tsaritsa.

As you can see, he has a lot of connections. Possibly providing his mortal services to you. A simple name search will pinpoint you instantly."
I explained, making my way towards the door.

"If you want to delay then you can, however, I do not stall. Even for you."
I stated firmly. The angel giggled behind me, "I will take that as a compliment."


"I know you can drive, why don't you take a turn driving?"
Aether asked, his bright smile blinded me. We were now in his car, which was a small "Prius" as he calls it.

Dark grey colored and was set low.

"I do not like using mortal items."
I replied. Gazing out the window.
Liyue's buildings were tall and lean. Roof tops similar to the ones hundreds of years ago.

Everything faded from view, shutting my eyes. How pathetic, me falling asleep in the comfort of a mortal.

Aether POV

He seems happy.
Xiao is so cute when he's asleep.

Xiao had curled up in a ball, his head slumping on the seatbelt of the car.
I return my gaze to the road.

The looming buildings have me an uncomfortable feeling. "This is not the time to be silly Aether."
I reminded myself.

Sighing loudly, I take another left turn. Pulling up to northland bank. I once exchanged money here for when meeting Childe.

I glanced to the sleeping boy, I slipped off my dark blue jacket. Using it to cover Xiao.

"I will be right back."
I whispered, getting out of the car. I left the car on, in case Xiao would get too hot in this weather.

I looked up at the building, looked like any kind of corporate building.
And I marched in with just a white t-shirt and navy pants.

The inside of the bank was fancy. Dark oak walls with marble floors. A lady sat at the front desk.

Time to work your time Aether.
I strut up to the young woman, giving her a commercial smile.

"Hey, I'm looking for Tartaglia."
I said proudly, the lady glanced up at me. She wore a purple overcoat and a mask to cover her face.

I could barely make out her expression. Looking at her lips she gave a small smile. Gesturing towards an elevator to the left.

"Twelfth floor"
The lady said, I bowed my head slightly. Heading towards the elevator.
The elevator was golden brown, the inside had buttons up to floor 100.

Which is too much for a bank, I noted.

"You are~ everything to me in this world you~ I love you"
"Let the wind lead me back to you~"

(Third person POV)

Aether recognized the soft bop. Something made from the two popular artists, Venti and Barbara.

A bell sound could be heard as the elevator doors open. The blond peaks out of the elevator. Viewing a long hallway made of glass.

The traveler hops out of the elevator.
"Time to get this show on the road."
He giggled.

Walking down the long hallway, the traveler examined his surroundings. The carpet was colored a light grey.
Aether scanned the name plates near each door he passed.


Once the blond recognized the name card, he kicked open the door. A loud crash following.


"It's me Xiao~~ I want you to kiss me with your pretty little sugar lips."
Xiao licked his lips, thinking of the traveler. In fact, Aether's voice was more high pitched than usual.

Xiao's eyes flutter open to see the Childe in front of him. With makeup on, red lipstick and the whole shebang.
Xiao hesitantly looked around. Seeing the two they were searching for, asleep in the backseat.

Xiao looks back at the fatui in the front seat.

A moment of silence sat still, until, "AHHHHHH!!!"
Xiao for the first time, felt genuine fear.

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