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Prevous on TFS
Ink:and Blue has a crush on-
Ink:-Dust and Lust..*looks at Lust*
Dream&Blue looks at Lust too
Lust:... its Nightmare, Horror is MY BOYFRIEND.
Ink: okay.... OwO
Blue: umm Guys...
Dream&Lust&Ink: yea Blueberry?
Blue: look back and you'll see those 2 members of the Anti-Hero Sanses
Dream: what? I thought i didnt let them with us because it can blow our cover?.
Sentry: Boss!, Get the f**k away from me 404!
Error404: noo...*being clingy to Sentry*
Dream: what are you 2 doing here?
Sentry: well Boss, i was going to come with you guys and its okay for me to come since im Killer's brother and they already know 'bout me except for the secrets ya know... and this stupid glitch404 b**ch is being super clingy to me.
Blue&Lust&Ink: should we let them come?
Dream: sure, i mean the bad guys know about Sentry being Killer's brother except for Error404, so Sentry i need you to cover Error404 for me and also try not to call me Boss? You 2 okay?
Sentry&404: okay
Lust: lets go!, Rory want me to visit him since he wants to ask me a question i dont know what kind but yea he wants me to and dont worry i never told him our secrets~
Ink: thats good and now lets go
*at the place**with Killer*
Killer woke up and realize what happend
Killer: ... holy sh*t *looks around and looks down*
Killer blush deep red color and change Forms(he was at his female ecto body so he has to go to his OG gender body)
Killer's mind: Wait... the stars are here! They ask me if im the one who let them in!
Killer teleported to take a bath and change clothes whild he's in middle of changing he didnt realize NM was watching him until NM expose himself
NM: noice body and also nice fun♡~
NM walks toward Killer and holds his waist and kiss him
Killer was suprised and also kiss back but he also stop it.
Killer: you really did it?! Thats rude that you didnt listen to me! Plus the reason why i said No because i dont want the others to not get enough sleep!
NM: soo~ you did warn them to keep their headsets/headphones to them?~
Killer: ?! Ugh! Whatever but i need to go now the Stars must be here any minute!
NM: okay, i'll take a bath now bye my queen~
Killer: by-bye!*tp out*
With the Stars+Sentry404
Dream: i'll knock.*knocks* oh! The door is open how wonderful?
Stars and Sentry404 got in and they saw the whole bad guys crew except NM&Killer tired..
Sentry: why are they tired? Did they not go to sleep?
Ink: maybe?
Blue: but why would they not?
Dream: moans they probally couldnt sleep because of the moans they heard last night?
Lust: ! Oh my! My poor little Rory!*runs to Horror*
Error404: bruh-
Sentry:shut up.
Ink went to Error,Blue went to Dust,Dream went to Cross,Sentry&Error404 goes to a corner to relaxed while waiting
Error: hi Squid...
Dust: Hi Blue...
Cross: Hi Dreamy...
Horror: Hi Lusty...
Ink: My name isnt Squid!
Blue: Hi Dusty!
Dream: Hi Crossy
Lust: Hi Rory
Killer got down and saw them
Killer:! Oh hi guys! Welcome to our base! Oh and i see you guys are comforting them up... and...*saw Sentry on sitting on top of Error404* Sentry?
Sentry: oh Hi brother! Dont mind us here!
Stars: Hi Kills! Good to see ya!
Dream: btw Killer are you going to be my future-brother-in-law?~
Killer: what?! No ofc!
Blue: i think he want to be called Future-Sister-in-law♡~ *lenny face*
Killer:?! No! Its complicated okay?!
Ink: alright, now where's ya Master/Boss/Boyfriend.
Killer: upstairs taking a bath...*mind: the "Master" word reminds me of those b**ch*s....*
Lust: ya alright?
Killer:!, yeah! Im perfectly fine..!
NM suddenly at Killer back and said"No your not.."
Killer: what?! I am! Really! Just... personal reasons.....
NM: okay, also now what do ya Stars need and-*saw those 2 on the corner* is that Killer's brother and who is that other 1?
Killer looks at those 2 and Sentry is still sitting on top of Error404 which made him mad so he..
Throw A Knife which made them all frozed
Killer: Error404 you can stop making my brother sit on your lap!
Sentry: oh brother plsss-
Me: Ha cliffhanger! ~♡Next Chapter♡~

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