the aucshen

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y/n and her father drove up to a dark, shady looking warehouse.

"this is wear teh auction is" y/n's father said angrily. he slapped y/n.

"dad please don't sell me!!!!! i promise i'll get another job!!!!!" y/n begged.

"QUIET!!!!" y/n's father said, slapping her. "I NEED DRUG MONEY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"

**AUTHORS NOT: chill y/n's dad 🙄🙄🙄🙄 she needs to look pretty for the aucshon!!!!! stop slapping her 🤬🤬🤬🤬**

**SECIND AUTHORS NOTE: hi sopia !!!!!! this chapter is dedicated for you !!!!!! ily 😘😘😘😘😘**

y:/n sniffled as tears filled her beautiful unike green orbs. before she could say anything, her father grabbed her hair and pulled her into teh auction.

litle did y/n know that too boys where watching her every move. and her live was about to change for ever.............

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