12 - Berry, Plum, and Peach

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Naomi sat at the dining table slicing strawberries with her good arm. Bad had asked her to come to help him, and she was grateful for a job to do to distract her from the dull pains lingering in her body. They were making a few shortcakes with cream and strawberry, and she was excited to steal some whipped cream later without Bad knowing. 

Since the incident, the residents from the SMP would occasionally visit every few weeks to come to say hi. Naomi could visibly see how happy it made the boys, especially with the big grins on George's face when Quackity stopped or when Skeppy would pop in and Bad would run up to hug him. Drista would visit often too, usually accompanied by Karl, Niki, or Tommy just to come and say hi to her (and usually bother Dream). Since the day she had her little mini outburst at Dream, Naomi found herself feeling very warm when she remembered her words. 

Embarrassingly enough, she knew what her feelings were and still refused to act upon them. How awful would that be, she always found herself thinking, to actually SAY something??? She groaned in embarrassment and put her head down on the table. Bad looked over at her quizzically and sauntered over. "What are you thinking about now?" 


"You've been spacing out for the last few minutes. And then your expression changed." Naomi felt her face warm-up and she imagined that her cheeks were probably dusted a peachy shade of flustered embarrassment. She hadn't realized that her thoughts had caused her to completely stop what she was doing.

"Just... thinking bout someeething." Bad raised an eyebrow at her. He wasn't particularly fond of the cryptic and vague message she had left him. "It's nothing serious, I promise. I'm just a little... hmmm," she searched for the word and hummed a little. "Confused?" 

Bad nodded and smiled. "You can talk to me if you'd like to. I may not know much about what you're thinking about, but I am happy to hear what troubling you." He took the bottle of heavy cream out of the ice chest and set it on the table next to her, simultaneously handing her a whisk and the jar of honey and brown sugar. "Go ahead and whip that. Let me know if your arm starts hurting."

Naomi poured the ingredients into the bowl and admired just how beautiful the colors all looked. Honey like his eye--

"NO!" She banged her head onto the table and Bad jumped in surprise. "Oh my goshhhh..." She continually banged her head on the desk gently. 

"Bad, how much long-- WOAH what are you doing?" Sapnap came from the hall and exclaimed in squeaky surprise. He ran over and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Naomi stop that, you fucking idiot, you'll give yourself another concussion!" 

"So be it!" She groaned again and slumped in her chair. "Sap, I'm doomed! Ruined! An utter, fucking mess!" She covered her face with her hand and the bowl of cream remained unwhipped in from of her. Looking at the honey in the bowl, she felt herself get flustered again by her sheer stupidity and tangential thoughts. Freverently, she picked up the whisk and started mixing. Sapnap and Bad looked at the whole ordeal in both confusion and amusement. "Yanno..." Huffing, she decided to break the silence in the room. "I think I'm losing it."

"You don't say," George said from the hall and Naomi groaned again, head back against the table, arm still whipping the cream. "Ok, tell us what's up before the green menace comes back."

Sapnap, who was half in the process of eating a strawberry he stole, choked out a laugh. "Green menace--"

"I'm whipped." 

"Obviously, idiot." George rolled his eyes and took a seat next to her. "It doesn't take a brain to figure that one out."

"Second that," Sapnap concurred between chokes and coughs, attempting to dislodge the evil berry. 

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