Let's be the best heroes the world has ever encountered

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It was graduation day and Izuku couldn't be happier. Not only was he graduating from U.A., the school he had always dreamed of, and on his path to become a hero but all of his friends were graduating alongside him after three long years of working for school and fighting against villains whose only purpose was to prevent them from finishing their studies by killing them. But they had all failed. Izuku couldn't have hidden his huge smile even if he had wanted to, stepping off the stage while the public was clapping, his mother's sobs muffled by the sound. He joined his classmates before applauding among the crowd for Tokoyami who had taken his place on the stage, a stark contrast between the white decorations and his all-black attire. The sweet comforting smell of caramel filled his nostrils and a warm hand poised itself on his hip. Sighing softly, Izuku leaned into the touch, and put his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Can you believe it, Kacchan? We finally graduated!" he exclaimed, looking at his boyfriend's scowl despite the festive day.

"Of course I can believe it, shitty nerd! I never doubted it!" he spat in his usual angry voice, making some heads in the public turn towards them.

Never discouraged by the harsh way of speaking of Katsuki, Izuku's smile became even wider. Kacchan was right, they all worked very hard to arrive here and it was obvious that every single one of them was dedicated enough to become an excellent hero. He had never doubted it.

As Hagakure stepped off the stage as the last one receiving her certificate, Iida took place in front of the mic, robe and hat spotless, as if they were tailored for him. The bespectacled man straightened up, puffing his chest out, replaced his glasses and took the mic in one firm hand.

"Dear parents, professors and fellow students, I hereby salute you!" he exclaimed while making wild gestures with his free hand. "As the class representative, I have the honor of making the speech of this graduation day, the trust of my classmates in my hands!"

Everyone was silent, parents latched on Iida's lips and students as well as professors dreading for the robotic and serious speech they all thought they would receive by the studious rep. 

"We graduate today, in front of you, as students, as classmates, as a family, as one."

He put his glasses down and the green haired boy perked up at that, as well as the rest of their classmates.

"We had to face unexpected challenges, struggled as no one else in this school struggled. We lived through traumatic experiences and had to fight for our lives despite the fact that we were still children. As our loved ones, you suffered alongside us, thought you would never see us again. And the worst in all of that, is that it is only the beginning of our careers as heroes. We will have to fight everyday to save the lives of the innocents. We will lose, sometimes. People under our responsibility will die and the guilt will be abominable. Some of us may lose their lives in the most honorable way. Our loved ones, you, will be put into constant danger as the villains will try to get to you to get through us. We will cry in victory but also weep in loss. This is the life we chose. The life we had to live through prematurely. But you know what? This is what made us, all of us, stronger. This is what made us a family. We know pain, physical and emotional, as an old friend. Grief, fear, violence. We all know them and they know us. And it's okay. Because, now that we know them, they won't take us by surprise anymore. And that is what makes us stronger than the others. So let's be the best heroes the world has ever encountered!"

A wave of cries, shouts and clapping took over U.A. as the students all threw their hats in the air, despite Aizawa's protests that it wasn't the time yet. Some of them, like Izuku and Uraraka, were crying in each other's arms. Others, like Kirishima and Kaminari, were shouting their approval over the tsunami of voices. Even Bakugo had to smother down a smirk that threatened to take over.

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