That's Hanae for you

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It was Katsuki's day off. For these past three years where Hanae and Deku were far away from him, he hated those. He had nothing to do, so all he did was searching for Deku everywhere. But what made him hate those days the most was that his researches were always fruitless. It made him feel useless, a feeling he wasn't used to feel. And he discovered that he hated feeling useless. And to add to his misery, his broken heart hurt the most those days as he had nothing to distract himself from his thoughts about Deku. So, yeah, he had hated having the day off.

But since Deku's return with Hanae, he loved them. He still loved working as a hero but it just wasn't the same as having the entire day to play with his princess. It was even better when Deku had the day off the same day as him, having the time to spend the day as a family. But it wasn't the case today. Deku had work. But that was okay, he was still going to enjoy the day with his daughter.

He was woken up at around 8PM by his well awakened three year old who was blinking shyly over the mattress, her face barely high enough to see him. Katsuki had no idea how long she had been there, waiting for him to wake up. He sat up, rubbed one eye and asked his daughter:

"What is it, Hanae?"

"I ung'y." she answered in a whisper.

Katsuki chuckled. She was truly too cute.

"Okay, then let's get some breakfast!" said Katsuki before getting out of bed and walking towards his wardrobe to put something on as he had slept only in his boxers. Hanae waited patiently next to his bed, her almond-shaped eyes, just like Katsuki's, looking at him expectantly. As he was finished dressing up, Katsuki walked up to his daughter and picked her up, producing high-pitched giggles from Hanae who loved being carried. Katsuki kissed her chubby cheek and she gave him a quick peck in return. With a smile on his face, something he did quite more often because of her and her papa, he walked out of his room and descended the stairs to then walk to the kitchen. He put Hanae in her highchair and put on an apron.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked while getting a spatula.

"Pancakes!" she exclaimed, raising her arms up in excitement.

"Again? Well, okay then." shrugged Katsuki, starting to get the ingredients out of the pantry and the fridge.

Hanae loved American food. Katsuki and Deku had no idea where it came from but they were happy to oblige to her demands. She was a bit spoiled, but could you blame them? She was simply too adorable. Of course, Katsuki made sure she still ate enough vegetables which, they discovered, she liked spicy. At least, that, they knew from whom she got that.

Katsuki turned towards his daughter and asked:

"Do you want to help?"

"Yes!" she answered.

Katsuki placed the bowl in front of her and gave her an egg. 

"We'll break it together." he told her before placing his hands above hers, her tiny hands disappearing behind Katsuki's large ones.

They broke the egg together, the slimy substance falling into the bowl. After they broke the second egg, Katsuki went to measure the rest of the ingredients. He then gave Hanae the bowl filled with milk for her to pour while he put the butter in. Katsuki gave a whisk to Hanae so she could mix the mixture, the little girl taking it with an excited squeal before whisking with all her might, the bowl turning on itself by the force of it. Katsuki scrambled to hold the bowl before an accident could happen. Katsuki then added the baking powder and the sugar in the bowl before giving the flour to Hanae for her to put in. It was a mistake.

The small girl took the bowl filled with flour and dumped everything at once. Flour went everywhere. Hanae blinked in surprise and Katsuki was scared that she was about to cry. But, on the contrary, the little girl giggled and threw her hands in the air, puffs of flour appearing in the air. Sighing, Katsuki took a wet cloth to clean them and then the kitchen.

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