Found him

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It had been three years since Deku disappeared. Katsuki had done everything in his power to find him but to no avail. Izuku Midoriya had simply vanished from the Earth.

Around two months after their graduation party at U.A., the future hero had left, leaving behind a letter for each of his friends in which he asked for forgiveness for leaving them without preamble. Katsuki had been heartbroken. They had been doing great, more than great even. After their first time, they had become closer, the need to always touch each other in any small way overwhelming. Their happiness had been contagious. Despite the stress from the search for agencies, everyone had felt lighthearted. It had been a peaceful couple of months filled with laughter and affection.

But two days before Deku's disappearance, their relationship changed. The green haired boy avoided any sort of affection like kisses, hugs or even hand holding. At night, he stayed on the edge of the bed, back turned towards Katsuki. The red eyed young hero hadn't been able to understand what came over Deku or what he could have done to deserve such treatment. But he hadn't had the time to ponder over it before his boyfriend left him, a small envelope placed on his pillow, waiting for Katsuki's hands to open it. He would never forget the words, they were tattooed on his eyelids forever; each time he closed them, the words danced before him, taunting him.

Dear Kacchan,

First of all, I want to tell you how sorry I am to leave you. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you and know that this will never change. But I have to leave. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you why, but know that it is for a reason more important than our love. Please, become the hero you always wanted to be. I believe in you and am sure you will become number one in record time. Know that I will watch you become that hero, no matter how far away I am from you. Also, if you decide to love again, I will not be jealous. You deserve to be happy and that is my only wish.

I love you, Kacchan 


This was it. Deku had left and would never return. But Katsuki had refused to believe it or accept it. With the aid of their friends, they searched for the boy for weeks, months. But they never found any clue about his whereabouts, as if he had never existed. Even his mom had left, Deku had taken her with him. Apparently, she was more important than Katsuki was.

After a year, everyone had accepted Deku's decision and stopped looking for him. Everyone except Katsuki. He refused to lose him, especially like this. Even after three years, he continued his research in his free time.

Apart from that, his life was becoming perfect. Only three years in the hero commission and he was already the number three hero, Hawks and the old Endeavor still in front of him for the time being. He had even bought a two story house, decided to find Deku, live there with him and even raise a family if it was the nerd's wish. Of course, at first, he would make him beg for forgiveness. Katsuki was no left behind.

Filling paperwork about his latest case, a bubblegum villain that kidnapped people for fun, the blond haired hero was interrupted by three knocks on his office's door. Katsuki sighed in annoyance, putting down his reading glasses and grunting:

"Come in."

A nervous assistant entered the room, arms filled with paperwork. He struggled to close the door for a few seconds, Katsuki not even bothering to offer his help to the damn extra. He could hear Deku's voice in his head, reprimanding him for not helping the poor man, but the nerd had disappeared so he had no right to command him. After the man finally managed to close the door, he turned towards his boss.

"Number one Endeavor is asking for your help for an important case in Tokyo." stuttered the assistant before losing his grip on his paperwork, file after file flying into the room.

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