Chapter 4

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Marinette had found out my secret identity. 

She told Alya, who posted it on the LadyBlog. 

Hawkmoth knows my identity. What if he will not only will do anything to harm me, but will harm anyone that I care about if it means getting my miraculous faster - or even worse- killing them or me? 

"Adrien Agreste?" 

"Adrien Agreste?"

"Dude, Ms. Bustier called your name twice. She's gonna mark you absent," Nino said as he nudged me.

That nudge was enough to fully snap me back into reality. Thank God I was just lost in my thoughts; but if I keep seeing Marinette as Chat Noir, or fuck up like that ever again, will they still just be "thoughts"?

After thinking about it all day and driving myself crazy about it, I decided I should be a little more distant with Marinette. Not cut her off completely, because I'm not a dick, but just distance myself a little bit. That makes it less likely for anyone to catch on, which means less likely for anyone to find out my identity, right? 

Once school and fencing was over for the day (finally), I decided to tell Plagg about my decision. He'd probably agree with me. 

"You're crazy, kid." 

"Plagg, I thought you'd agree with me! I think I'm being responsible here. Besides, you were getting pissed off at me because you hadn't eaten all night." 

"That is true, but you shouldn't stop going to her house and stuff on the off chance someone might pick up on it. I also don't think she would tell anyone if she knew you were Chat Noir." 

I felt like he was smiling when he said that. Just the way he said it, I guess, but he had his head in the cabinet so I couldn't see his face. 

"I'm not gonna stop going to her house. I'm just gonna go less often. I don't think it's that big of a deal." 

"I mean, do whatever you want to do, but I've had many holders in the past, what, like 5000 years? I know what I'm talking about. It will be fine," He said while throwing another slice of cheese in his mouth. 

"Yeah ok, whatever. I think it's time for dinner, so I'm gonna head down." 


It's 6, and there's no sign of him. 

He's probably just running a little bit late though, like last time. 

I'm sitting on my bed, working on homework, but I fall on my back and just think about what to say to him tonight. 

What if it's awkward? What if he's not interested? Then again, it's probably fine. He hasn't really been acting like he's not interested. 

A few minutes turn into two hours. I guess him sleeping over last night was too much for him, even though we didn't do anything. I'm a lot more upset than I thought I'd be. I really wanted to ask him out tonight, or even just invite him over for dinner or something. I guess it was stupid. 

"Did he come?" Tikki said, flying up from below my bed.

"Nope. I guess he's not interested." 

"Don't say that! I've seen the way he's looked at you for the past few months. It's not a 'not interested' look. Maybe he was just busy?" 

Tikki is always looking at the bright side of things. Usually if he's busy though, he'll just come earlier or sometimes later. 

"Wait, he might come later!" 

Remembering that he sometimes used to come in the middle of the night in the summer definitely cheered me up. 

So I stayed up a little longer and waited. 

And waited. 

And waited. 

And then it was almost midnight, so I decided to stop waiting. 

And then it had been four days. 

I was hopeful that he would have come the next night, or I don't know, said something, somehow. But I was still trying to tell myself that he probably wasn't coming, and stop hope from making it worse. 

Did I do something wrong? 


"I'm a piece of shit, aren't I?" 

I should have come to her house, or left her a letter, or something. But I didn't. And I feel horrible about it.

"Yeah, you kind of are," Plagg replied. 

"Here's the thing though. If I tell her it's for our safety, she probably won't understand." 

"Oh, I'm sure she'll understand." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Nothing. Just that you should talk to her, or drop a letter through her trapdoor, or something, saying you won't be coming by that often anymore. I mean you did tell her that you usually came around six, which means that she's probably not having other people over around that time." 

"Yeah, you're right." 

So, I decided to do what Plagg said. Well, one of the things Plagg said. I wrote a little note that said I wouldn't be coming by that often anymore, and that we probably shouldn't have been spending that much time together. I would rather her be mad at me than her trying to persuade me into thinking everything is fine. 

I opened my window, and start jumping around the buildings that I usually do to get to Marinette's house. It's the middle of the night, so I doubt she'll be up. I'll just open her trap door, toss it by her pillow, and then she'll wake up and see it. Simple. 

Marinette's house was coming up, and I could see it in the distance. Perfect, her lights are out. She's probably sleeping. 

I open the trap door, and lightly toss the small piece of paper toward her pillow. But then, I could see her looking up at me. 


Author's Note: 

hi!! sorry its been a while since i updated so i feel like this chapter is worse than all of the other ones, but if i get back into writing this story the chapters will get better. sorry about all the pov stuff, i didnt really know how to do this chapter without it. also im sorry if this is moving a little too fast, the pacing probably wont be super consistent for the next few chapters because im not good at writing fillers.

thank you for reading!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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