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Jayadeva Mandalik:

The son of a brahmin. He was kidnapped from his home and forcefully brought aboard Sir Luca Reyes' ship, since he was rumored to know the whereabouts of the goddess Kalika's shrine.

Damayanti Shivrani:

An assumed avatar of Kalika; she was also kidnapped and brought aboard Sir Luca's ship, because again, she possibly knows the location of Kalika's temple.


An Egyptian slave; he broke free from his bondage after using gunpowder to create a diversion. Sir Luca's First Mate.

Princess Hebi-Haki Ruhi of New Egypt:

The daughter of Pharaoh Khufu VIII. Apparently, only the nobility are allowed to have names similar to that of Egypt. She is never afraid to speak her mind. Her Majesty has formed quite the bond with Damayanti, otherwise known as Shivrani.

Sir Luca Reyes:

A privateer for Spain that later changed sides and assassinated the reigning monarch. The old man is searching for three artifacts that are apparently of high value, and even have some mystical properties...

Anthony Reyes:

Sir Luca's younger and more attractive brother. He is engaged to Eve.

Evelyn Mandalik:

The sister of Jayadeva; she has a Machiavellian personality, and is extremely manipulative. The royal advisor of Princess Hebi-Haki. 

Ulysses Thomson:

A young soldier serving in the Than-Inpu army. He apparently has some kind of relation to Hades (The underworld).


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