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"I can't believe they went through with this..."

Parvati was sitting on a marble bench, rubbing her beautiful brown skin in stress.

"Well, it's the will of the gods; We can't do anything about it." Horus, the Egyptian god of the skies, said; leaning on an Ionic pillar. 

"But we are the gods!" Parvati spat. Her spouse, Shiva, comforted her with his rough, blue hand.

"Shh, calm yourself, Parvati." Shiva said, rubbing her yellow garments. "They chose."

"But they're one of us! They can't just choose this, without anyone else knowing!"

"My dad said it was only for the 'most supreme deities', so that would be Ra, that dirty, cheating Zeus, Bathala, Brahma, and some others." Horus said, walking over to Shiva and his consort.

"'Most supreme'?!!?!? My freaking husband is supreme! Why in the name of Haraka wasn't he invited to the damn meeting?!!?!" Parvati yelled in frustration, before her skin began to darken into a purplish-black.

"Whoa, whoa." Horus said, calming down the angered goddess. 

"Remember that one incident? We don't wanna go through that again, do we?" 

Parvati, remembering that one time that the Buddha accidentally got stomped out of heaven while meditating during one of her Kalika-moments, took a deep breath, and sat down.

"It's just-It's just that..."

"It's just that, all of this, this magnificent world, filled with majestic creatures," Parvati said, clearing the clouds away, revealing the little sphere called many names by the ones in the heavens, but for now, it is called "Earth."

"After all of the effort and time put into this universe, they're just going to throw it away?! No, I will not allow it." Parvati said, stubbornly. 

Shiva sighed, then finally setting down his silver trident.

"I understand what you mean." Shiva said, looking at her in the eyes.

Horus cawed loudly in shock (Horus had the head of a falcon), almost alerting other immortals.

He walked over to them, before putting his finger on his black and sharp beak.

"Shut up!" Horus hissed. "Do you even remember the punishment of a god who chose to speak out against the others?"

"Yes, I know." Shiva said, standing up. The blue deity was around 7'8, while the ex-pharaoh god was 6'7, so the Destroyer towered greatly over Horus. 

"So if you know," Horus said, "Then why did you encourage her? If you care about Parvati, then maybe the first thing that you should do is to not send her down to that hellish rock!"

Parvati suddenly had an idea.

"Bharttā, hear me out," she said, holiding his right shoulder. Parvati was shorter than her spouse, but still an inch taller than Horus. "Why don't we go down there?"

Shiva recoiled back in surprise. "To the realm of the mortals? Don't be mad, Parvati!" Shiva spat.

"But I'm not." Parvati said, taking him to the balcony. "If they're going to destroy this world with creatures that only deities can vanquish, then why not bring the deities to that rock over there, that's about to be run rampant by unspeakable horrors?"

"No, no, no, no, no." Horus said, walking between them. "Whenever we interact with our creation, something bad always goes Khunm-dammed wrong!"

"Oh yeah? Then name one time something went terribly wrong in that world, when us immortals  interacted with them."

The Sea Of Gods: The Curse of KalikaWhere stories live. Discover now