Chapter Nineteen

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"Surgeons always have a plan. Where to cut, where to clamp, where to stitch. But, even with the best plans complications can arise, things can go wrong. And suddenly, you're caught with your pants down. The thing about plans is they don't take into account the unexpected, so when we're thrown a curveball, whether it's in the OR or in life, we have to improvise. Of course, some of us are better at it than others. Some of us just have to move to plan B and make the best of it. And sometimes what we want is exactly what we need. But sometimes, sometimes what we need is a new plan" 

"the things you did. well, i hope i was your favorite crime"

Meredith, Cristina and Lucy entered the kitchen to see Izzie downing a glass of water at the sink. "That's a shame hangover if I've ever seen one", Lucy said, smirking at Izzie. "George is puking upstairs which means he didn't come home to the wife that cried to sleep in Alex's arms last night. She really chose a keeper". "He was too drunk", Izzie said.

"Too drunk to call, I guess"

"Why is Cristina here?"

"Hiding from Burke"

"I've come up with a plan", Cristina declared. "We will just not get married and go back to the way it used to be". "Yeah, good luck with that", Lucy said.

Holly entered the locker room to find a hungover George. She was dressed up. "You look nice", he said, cradling his head. "I cried over you last night", Holly said. "I don't remember not crying because I fell asleep crying".


"But that's not important right now. As of this moment, we are the perfect couple who never fight, because my dad's in town. He wants to meet you"

George looked like he was about to say something when Izzie entered the room. "That's my cue to leave", Holly said before leaving.

Bailey and the interns followed Callie to a patient's room. She stopped them right outside the door. "You are about to see a disease so rare that you might never see it again", Callie said. "Our patient has a genetic disease that turns muscles into bone, so don't stare".

They entered the room. "Can you all please just stand back?" the patient's daughter Nina said. "My mother still has movement in her face and hands and I'd like to keep it that way. You have to be very gentle with her. I brought her in because she was vomiting blood and going through pills like candy". "We'll get a CT to get an idea of what's going on", Callie said. "O'Malley, you can work with Torres, Karev, Kepner, you can assist Dr Montgomery with Jane Doe", Bailey said. George burped. Callie rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna need more hands", Callie said, glaring at George. "I'll take Shepherd".

Lucy and George waited for Cathy's scans. "I'm never drinking again", George said. "Good, maybe while you're sober, you can go home to your wife so I can have sex with my boyfriend", Lucy said.

"I didn't mean to, I was drunk"

"That's not really an excuse"

"I have to meet her father"

"Ha ha, good luck with that"

"You're mean"

"I'm aware"

The scans came up. "Page Callie", Lucy said, staring at the screen.

Addison and Lucy were standing outside Cathy's room, admiring the dollhouse when Izzie approached them. "The lights even work", she said. "That is impressive", Lucy said.

"I kissed the wrong person, but it felt right at that time, like everything fell into place"

"Tell me you didn't do what I think you did"

"Maybe it's God's plan, maybe that's why I felt so right"

"I highly doubt that God wants you to be an adulterer"

Izzie walked away. "Do I attract other adulterers?" Addison asked. "Maybe you should form a club", Lucy exclaimed.

"Shut up"

George and Holly sat down with Joe Kepner at Joe's. "My father's death made me realise that life is both short and long", George explained. "Your mother is very hurt that you got married without telling us", Joe said. "I'm very sorry, daddy but we love each other and we wanted our love to be sacred as soon as possible", Holly said, forcing a smile. While Joe and Holly continued to talk, George's face fell when he remembered what happened the previous night. He suddenly got up. "George, are you alright?" Holly asked, reaching for his hand. "Fine", he said. "Sorry, I just have to get back to the hospital". He then left.

George and Izzie laughed as they drank straight from the bottle. Their faces fell as they looked at each other. Izzie leaned in and their lips touched. For barely a second, George kissed her back before the shock washed over him and he pulled back.

Lucy entered the lounge where Derek was. "Hey", she said. "Hey", he said, looking up.

"I heard everyone's making ten year plans. And you?"

"You can plan all you want but it doesn't make a difference in the end. Things happen. You were like ice when I pulled you out of the water"


"I know you can swim and I know Meredith can swim. You both gave up. I have no idea where I'm gonna be in ten years"

"You don't have to know. That's where the joy lies. I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen during the day. It's so exciting. You should try it"

Holly approached George at the nurses station. "I'm sorry about last night", she said. "We both said things we didn't mean and I want to take it back". "Me too", George said.


She smiled and they hugged.

Lucy stormed into the locker room to find George. "What did you and Izzie do last night?" Lucy asked. "Lucy-", George started.

"Don't you Lucy me. You are the luckiest man in the world. Holly is the best you'll ever meet. You don't get to treat her like this. So, tell me what you did"

"We kissed, it was just a second. I backed away"

"Well, Izzie is now in love with you, George"


"Are you gonna tell Holly?"

"I won't clear my conscience at her expense, she has done nothing but support me. This is mine to live with. Please, just keep this a secret"

"Fine. But, just so you know, you have lost all my respect"

Holly was doing an ultrasound on Ava's baby when Addison walked in. "You did good today", Addison said. "Thank you, Dr Montgomery", Holly smiled.

"How are you and your husband?"

"We're very good"

"I'm glad"

Holly walked out, leaving Addison looking worried for her marriage.

Lucy and Alex cuddled in bed. "I'm glad to have you back tonight", she smiled. "Me too", he replied.

"How is she?"

"She was completely destroyed last night but it seems like they mended it"

"Him and Izzie kissed"

"What? I'm gonna kill that guy"

"I think it's better she doesn't know. She won't be able to live with it, and she'll stay with him and be unhappy and nobody wants that"

Holly and George sat in bed. Holly was reading her book while George stared at the ceiling. "I think we should start looking for an apartment", Holly said. "I'm so sorry", George whispered.

"Hey, it's fine. Clean slate, right?"

"Clean slate" 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is favorite crime by olivia rodrigo

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