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Crying had become the only thing Larai did all day long. She had accepted the fact that she was going to be married to Zakari, but whenever the thought of Yusuf crossed her mind — which happened with every passing hour, she could not help, but worry about his safety.

Knowing just how cruel her father could get, she knew he most likely didn't let him off the hook.

"Ya Larai!" Azumi shouted and waved a hand over her face.

Larai snapped out of it and wiped away her tears, with the back of her palm. "What is it?"

"Something terrible happened earlier." She announced.

Larai remained indifferent.  She wasn't a tad interested in whatever was going on in the village. It was the least of her problems.

"I shouldn't be telling you this, but I feel you should know." She added, making Larai furrow her brows in curiosity.

"Just go straight to the point, please." She exhaled, roughly.

"The guy that came here yesterday, he—"

Surprised, Larai's jaw dropped. "What has happened to him? Please tell me, Azumi." Tears brimmed up in her eyes.

"Baaba told some of the village boys to beat him up and then report him to Etsu (the king) I was coming home from the stream when I heard some girls talking about it. I heard he was badly wounded by them and that the king has banished him from the village for being an outsider and causing a ruckus."

Larai had expected Baaba to do just that, so it didn't come as a surprise to her. She was, however, concerned about the wellbeing of Yusuf. "This is all my fault. Instead of pushing him away, my actions gave him hope that we could be together again. I just hope he goes far away from this village. He doesn't deserve to suffer like this." She blinked, making the tears in her eyes fall. "He doesn't belong here."

"I'm sorry, Ya Larai. I wish there is something I can do to make you feel better." Azumi remarked, sullenly.

"There's something you can do." Larai placed a hand beneath her chin, making their gazes meet. "I want you to deliver something to Yusuf."

"Huh?" Azumi sprung up. "I...can't..I won't be able to do it." She timidly bit her lips. "What if Baaba finds out?"

"Please, Azumi." Larai held her sister's hands in her and looked pitifully into her eyes. "Do this for me. I will forever be grateful to you."

"But...but..." She stuttered. "I don't even know where he lives."

"That's not a problem. He doesn't live very far from the market. You know the new buildings opposite Talatu's kiosk, right?"

She nodded in the affirmative.

"The first room by the right is his."

Azumi hummed, unsure. "What do you want me to deliver to him?"

"Check my bag, there's a book and a pen in it. Please bring it to me."

"Okay," Azumi responded and sauntered to where her sister always kept her knitted bags. She took out the book and pen from it and walked back to Larai. "Here." She handed the items over to her.

Larai collected them and smiled, gratifyingly at her. She sat, then tore out a piece of paper from the book and began to scribble on it.

Dear Yusuf,

I heard what happened to you. I'm so sorry for that. I feel bad that these things had to happen to you, because of me. This is the reason I kept pushing you away, but you didn't listen to me.

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