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Through the window of her room, Larai watched Yusuf drive out of the compound.

Her grip around the curtains loosened and she crouched beside the wall. "I love you so much, my Yusuf." She muttered beneath her breath. She wished she could say it to his face-she knew he had been desperate to hear her say the words to him, but her shyness would not allow her. She wasn't audacious enough.

"Larai." She heard her name being called from outside the room, then a knock followed. "Are you in there?"

The voice was clearer now, so she was able to depict who it was.

She hurried towards the door and opened it.

Mrs. Hadiza was dressed in a royal blue lace-a blouse and a wrapper. A big white veil was draped around her head, covering the upper half of her body. In her left hand, was a white bag. Her shoes were also a shade of white. She looked dashing.

Larai wondered where she was off to. "Is there something you need? You should have sent for me and I'd be there. You didn't have to take the trouble to come here."

"Actually, I am about to go out, so I decided to come here to inform you about that and that all the maids have been granted permission to go to their families for at least two days. If you're hungry, there is food in the kitchen. Fix yourself something. I'm hanging out with few friends of mine, I might return late. I hope you're okay with staying here all alone."

Larai nodded. "Of course, ma."

"Alright then. Bye."

Larai saw her off to the door, then secured the door with a lock before sauntering back to her room.
She pushed open the door and was about to go in, but stopped, sensing someone's presence and eyes on her.

She took in a deep breath and shook her head-she was being paranoid again.

She pulled off her headscarf and her curly, natural hair flowed out of its confines. She didn't fancy braiding of hair, so she tended to leave her hair open. Nna had complained bitterly, but still, she didn't have a change of mindset.

"I should call Yusuf." She picked up her phone from the nightstand and gasped when the phone was snatched out of her hold. She turned around and at the sight of the person in the room, her eyes broadened and her hand flew over her opened mouth.

"Sir...Sir.." She stuttered, unable to bring herself to utter a coherent word.

"Shhh." Mr. Kasim placed a single finger against his lips. "There's no one in his huge house, except for you and I."

What does that even mean?

Larai dashed to where her hijab was hung and attempted to put it on, but again, the piece of clothing was snatched away from her and thrown to the extreme of the room.

"What...what are you doing, Sir?" Larai's heart thudded aggressively in her chest, as she backed away from him. "Please stay away from me, Sir."

"Nice hair you have." He sank his hand in her curls; a devilish smile playing on his lips.

Larai could not believe her eyes and ears. Mr. Kasim? The man whom she thought was responsible and generous. Indeed, not all that glitters is gold. All the while she had been living under his roof, he had not looked at her twice, so his action to her great surprise.

With all the strength she could muster, she pushed him away and ran to the spot her hijab was flung and put it on.

"Did you just push me?" Mr. Kasim pointed a finger to his chest and began to advance towards her at a slow dangerous pace. "Answer me!"

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