I Put My Faith In You,So Much Faith

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I've got a job interview on Wednesday LSNDLDKS lowkey nervous lol


We followed Chris through the tunnels. It was surprising that he had the whole place memorize. Our footsteps lightly echoed through the tunnels,it was mostly quiet besides Ray and Yuugo's whispered conversation and Chris telling us where to go. My brain was running a million miles per second. Who will die? Will we die? How many will die? Why only eight people? There are a lot of us. They might not know our numbers. Will today be my last day? Will I die today? "Are you ok N/N?" I looked to see Ray looking at me"huh? Oh yes,I'm fine. Just...thinking is all." I hum"N/N,do you also have a bad feeling?" I nod"yea,a little. It might be due to my anxiety though. Are you anxious?" I asked the boy as he shakes his head"not really. But you know me,I've never really been an anxious one." I nod"I suppose that is-"

Suddenly we came to a halt,I looked to see two dead falling down from above. My eyes widened as their bodies hit the ground and their blood covered the ground. Emma ran over to Chris to grab him,though it was to late. He had already taken a bullet hit. "Emma! Run!" Gillian ushers as a few of us began to shoot. "That guy was wearing a bulletproof vest..."

"No way..."

"They're dead...!"

"Can you hear me dear cattle children?" We looked up to see a tan male looking down at us from above. "I'm Andrew. And I've come to kill you all. I know you're still there,it's useless to hide. This past year and nine months I have sought out your one and only 'supporter' and I've taken care of them. So of course we'll know the exact location of this shelter. We even know the internal structure. The exits are locked down. You will die right here,today. That's all there is to it. So please,come out quietly. If you do that,it'll be less painful." He sternly says.


"Emma..."I warn.

"'The Seven Walls'? I see...so you all found them,hm? Moreover,you've already reached the stage where you're able to reforge the promise?" Andrew asks"THAT'S RIGHT! THAT'S WHY-"

"It doesn't matter. That's not how this works. If that is the case,I have to kill you here. Even if the world would allow it. As long as the Ratri family keeps order,it will not come to be. 'Natural everyday lives'? 'Protect them'? Don't get it wrong. From the very beginning,you've never had anything like that. Everything has been a facade." That's when a gas bomb fell from above,Yuugo ushered us to run for the other exit. However,it was closed off. Gilda tended to Chris' wound as best as she could. Thankfully there was no bullet through his skull but he was awfully close to it. So it ended up grazing him. I'm going to have to kill a person,a human. I know I am. I don't want to,but I'll have to. Can I even do that? I know Ray would be able to,perhaps Emma if it came down to it. But me? It sounds easy in theory but could I actually do it?

"Emma!" Oliver called out"Ray! Y/N!" Emma lifted her head,his voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Oliver?!" That's when a short boy with Snow White hair appeared beside him"Rossi!" Emma ran over to him"are you ok?!" She asks as the boy breathed heavily"shouldn't Lucas be with you?" I asked the boy"Lucas is ok...! He'll meet with us later. He broke the monitors and took down an enemy." Rossi then shows a small box"a radio?" Ray questions taking it from Rossi. "I heard them give orders while on the way over here. They said they would surround us." Rossi then went on in more detail as Emma crouched down and drew a small map on the floor. "The North corridor-we can make it." Emma states"nice job Rossi. This was a huge help." Ray thanks the boy.

"If the only enemy closing in is from the North corridor,there is only one way for them to get to us. Before the enemy comes down the pathway,if we're able to cut across then their encirclement would fail." Emma concludes"but why does the enemy have a gap in their formation?" Oliver hums"actually-"Rossi speaks up"Lucas is making sure that the entry points to the 'secret room' with the phone as well as the armory below the dining room aren't discovered by the enemy. That's why-"

"Rossi,where is Lucas right now?" Emma speaks up"after breaking the monitors,he was going to the regular exit to open it."

"That idiot..."

Our plan was to go through the armory and escape through the normal exit. There was 50/50 chance that we wouldn't be caught and we'd make it outside. It was risky,but thankfully we made it outside safely.

"Lucas!" The smaller kids exclaims running over to the red haired male and hugging him tightly. "Yuugo..."Lucas trails off"you all need to run away right this second!" Yuugo demands"huh?! What about you?!" Alicia yells"Lucas and I will come later. It's our duty to make sure that the remaining six men don't get you." That's when we began to argue with them. "Let me help you!" Gillian yells"me to!" Ray argues.

"No,you all go on ahead." Lucas reassures"that's final." Yuugo walks over to a man who was dead and bends down"there's no need for you kids to carry that burden. Leave it to the grown ups,besides..."he stands up now holding a gas mask"there's only room for two adults. With these,their gas and guns won't be as effective."

"But Yuugo-"

"Emma. This is the very best decision we can make. It'll be ok. We'll catch up soon. Quickly take Chris to a safe place and rest up." Emma nods"got it."

"Now,escape safely."

"You to Yuugo."

We began to make our way towards the forest. "Yuugo and Lucas,they'll be ok right?" Alicia asks Emma,though she doesn't say anything for a while. She finally answers though"yes,they'll be alright. Now,let's make it to the forest before morning arrives."

The walk there was almost quiet. The only thing that was heard was our footsteps.

They're going to die. I know they are. There is no way they'll survive. I felt myself starting to get choked up a little. No don't cry! You don't know if they're going to die! They could live! They will live! Just think positively! You'll manifest it if you continue to think like that.

"Stop biting your nails. You're thinking once more." I heard Ray's voice tell me. I blinked and looked to the boy"you can do that once we're safe. I don't want you doing that right now. Can you promise me that you won't do it right now?" I looked from Ray to the ground. "No I can't promise you that."

"You still have a bad feeling,don't you?" I nod"yes...I'm positive those two will die." Ray sighs"put some faith in them,geez."

"Well last time I had faith in someone they ended up being the bad guy." I growl"so you don't have faith in me?"

"Of course I do!...sometimes..."


"I'm joking. I have faith in plenty of people but I can't get the idea out of my head that they'll die." I explain"don't you know the more you think about it,the more it'll come true?" He growls slightly"yea I know,I know."

How will we change once they're gone though?

How will I act?

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