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Both Pierson and Brent run to the beach holding hands, as soon as they reach. Brent takes his hand away. Pierson looks at Brent for a few seconds standing still after he left and went towards the boys. Brent looks back and  pierson is not there. " she is probably with the girls", he thinks. After sometime. Sofie comes to Brent.

Sofie: hi Brent!

Brent - hey

Sofie : I thought pierson will be coming with you. Is she okay? I can go check-

Brent - Shit! I got her here. I thought she was with you'll all the time. 

Sofie -  It's okay she might be feeling low so she went back I guess.

Brent - how can she just leave me here, she is my girlfriend!!!

Sofie - stares at Brent. 

Sofie : you guys are dating?!

Brent - lower the volume Sofie. Yes we are dating we wanted to tell you'll. 

Sofie : Oh okay. yes!!!!! You guys are too cute together. I'd say a perfect match. Now go look for pierson. 

Brent - Starts running towards the hotel and looks back at Sofie, " DONT TELL ANYBODY!" and continues running. 

Sofie - gives a thumbs-up and goes towards the girls.

Brent scoots up the staircase and runs towards their room. looks in his pocket and forgets his key. He rings the bell. 'Nobody answers' He kicks the door and calls out , "pierson?", "pierson?" Still no answer 

Brent : FCK! 

Brent goes down to search in the coffee shop. Pierson is not there. He checks out the outside park. No pierson was found. Brent puts his palm on his face and tears up. 

Brent's POV - 

Where is she? Did I do something? I've searched everywhere. I should not have gone to the boys.

Brent starts tearing up. He goes towards the main hotel restroom. He opens the door and goes in the men's corridor. Brent  washes his teary face. As he gets out he hears cries from the girls restroom.  Brent - should I go in? What if its pierson? What if its not. I don't care. I am going in. He opens the door and sees pierson throwing back her head, pulling her limbs next to her chest. Crying. Brent can't see pierson crying and goes closer. He puts his finger on her neck and makes her look up. Seeing her face with mascara rolling down her cheeks. He asks " Pierson, what's wrong?" Pierson respond with a strait reply , " you, I really think we should tell others, I just don't feel right, We have to tell them. Alan stares at me all the time. Lets just tell them please? " Brent starts tearing up, " Fine, we shall tell them once we reach there. You never told me about Alan. I thought everything was just normal after you'll kissed at the Christmas party."                                       

Pierson : I know Brent, I should not have done that. it was a big mistake. You liked me that time, I thought it was just for clout. I am so sorry. Since then Alan just looks at me in an odd way. i didn't want to tell you earlier. (she says as she puts her palms on her face)

Brent : my gosh. Just leave it to me. Please stop crying.                                                                                      Brent hugs pierson tightly and kisses her neck.                                                                                                      Brent :    Lets go babe. (Brent washes her face and cleans it. They hug once more and head out) 

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