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" I will eat it "

Everyone in the living room averted their eyes to the owner's voice and wondered to themselves if they misheard the oldest or not. " Pardon? " Jihyo blurted.

Nayeon gazed to the younger girl wearily and internally thought that the girl should go to the doctor to check her hearing. " I said i will eat it, the cookie " Nayeon repeated her statement making the others stared at her with wide eyes.

" So what? I'm the oldest so i should take the risk " Nayeon said as she clicked her tongue, she had enough of them being dramatic.

Jihyo covered half of her face and stared at the oldest in awe, " I didn't know that you are this reliable unnie, I'm so proud " she said along with a sniff. Nayeon rolled her eyes at Jihyo's statement before she took the 'small' cookie.

" Please take care of Tzuyu for me " Nayeon said as she glanced to Tzuyu who was sleeping peacefully beside her. As soon as they all nodded to her, she ate the cookie in one-shot. It was too sweet that she even shivered unconsciously. " W-water " she pleaded when the cookie went down to the wrong pipe.

Jeongyeon who was the nearest to the water bottle helped the oldest to drink, part of her can't help but laughed initially. Jihyo patted the poor girl's back, who was breathing heavily. " Are you okay? " Jihyo asked.

Nayeon glared to her and replied sarcastically , " Do i look like I'm okay to you? "

Jihyo just shrugged back to her, " Just asking. So? Do you notice any change? ". Nayeon shook her head since she haven't felt anything yet. " It might take some time i guess, probably a night " Nayeon said.

" That makes sense, we should just wait until tomorrow then " Dahyun stated and all of them agreed to just keep the talk until the next morning.


A soft tap on her face brought back her soul to her body. Jihyo yawned and sat up while rubbing her eyes. As she slowly gained her sight back, she saw a familiar figure in front of her, but smaller. The child stared at her confusedly, probably wondering why was she here and not with her parents. Jihyo was shocked at first but then she had an epiphany. She was glad that she once saw Nayeon's child picture before. " Nayeonnie? "

The child's eyes widened as she chirped, showing her bunny teeth, " How did you know my name unnie? "

Jihyo didn't expect her to answer that but when she thought about it once again, Nayeon did look like she's older than the other kids. " O-oh! Your parents told me that! I will become your babysitter today! My name is Jihyo! " Jihyo gave her a sly grin, hoping that she will bought it.

Thank God, she believed it. Nayeon swung her arms excitedly as she tackled Jihyo into a hug, " Is that so unnie? Then can we play together? "

When she saw the child's grin, Jihyo thought that her annoying unnie was cute for a moment. Jihyo ruffled Nayeon's hair affectionately, " Of course Nayeonnie! In fact, you have a lot of friends to play in here! "

Jihyo nearly faint when she saw the child's eyes sparkled in excitement. " Really?! I can't wait to play with them! "

" Yes but before that, wash your face and brush your teeth first , unnie will go and make the breakfast! You do know how to do those by yourself right Nayeonnie? " Jihyo said

Nayeon fastly nodded as she chirped back, " I do! Mommy already taught me! ". Jihyo giggled and patted the girl's head, " I'm so proud of you, the bathroom is there, your toothbrush is the white one "

Nayeon saluted to her before she jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Jihyo shook her head at her unnie's cuteness. She looked to her side and saw Tzuyu wriggled under the blanket. " Are you awake Chewy? "

Tzuyu looked around sleepily, trying to find her bunny unnie but she was nowhere to be seen. She stared at Jihyo, trying to ask her but Jihyo didn't understand (who would honestly). " What's wrong Chewy- "

" Jihyo unnie! " Nayeon barged into the room. She stopped her movement when she saw Tzuyu on the bed. " Who is that? " she asked.

" Oh! This is Tzuyu! She is only one so she is younger than you but she will be your friend today! " Jihyo replied. Nayeon squealed with delight as she rushed to the younger girl. " Hi Tzuyu! My name is Nayeon! I'm five years old, older than you! Let's be friends! " Nayeon said and offered her hand.

Tzuyu didn't understand but the girl's bunny teeth were familiar to her. She slowly took Nayeon's hand and the older girl shook it happily. Jihyo who was witnessing all of it just stared at them in awe. " Oh right! Jihyo unnie! "

" Yes? "

" I wanted to tell you that the toothbrush is too big for me " Nayeon giggled.


" Sana! Momo! I'm going to catch you! " Nayeon exclaimed while chasing the Japanese pair. For Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, they just watched them playing tag at the living room.

" Who would've thought that it's true " Jeongyeon said. All of them nodded and stared at the 'big' cookies. Nayeon ate the small one yesterday and today here she is, playing around with her child body.

A loud thud grabbed their attention as they all looked at it, Nayeon was on the floor holding her knee. Sana and Momo rushed to her and asked her if she's okay in Japanese. Despite her young age, Nayeon didn't cry. She brushed it off and giggled, " I'm fine! Mommy told me that a strong girl can't cry! "

All of them were amazed by her statement, who would've thought that Nayeon was this cool when she was young. " She's too wholesome " Dahyun blurted.

" Are you sure you want her to turn back to her old body? " Mina said to Jihyo.

" Hahaha you're so funny. Wanna know something funnier? That's just what i was thinking " Jihyo replied along with a chuckle.

Child Nayeon is cute but they need to bring them back to their old bodies. In order to do that, they just need to do the next step. Sorry child Nayeon, but we need our unnie back " Nayeonnie " Jihyo called her over.

Nayeon stopped chasing the Japanese pair and ran to Jihyo instead, " Yes unnie? " she tilted her head cutely.

So cute so cute so cute so cute so cute. " Here's a cookie for you " Jihyo said and placed the 'big' cookie on Nayeon's palm. " Why are you giving this to me? " Nayeon asked.

" Because you have been a good girl today " Jihyo gave her a pat on the head. Nayeon went silent for a few seconds before she asked again, " They are all good too, why aren't you giving them cookies? "

Jihyo felt a pang in her heart, why are you so precious

" Don't worry, i will give them one too later " Jihyo said. Nayeon nodded to her reply, " Do you mind if i ask for some milk? " Nayeon asked politely with a warm smile.

" Yes honey sure, anything for you. Dahyun! Go get some milk for our small Nayeonnie! " Jihyo commanded and Dahyun obeyed her without question. Not so long after that, Dahyun came back with a cup of milk and she squealed when Nayeon hugged her as a thank.

After drinking some milk, Nayeon munched the cookie happily that she didn't even realize the stares from the others. " That was good! I like it! Thank you Jihyo unnie! " Nayeon said and ran back to the Japanese pair, who were watching the TV while waiting for her to come back.

" That should be.. the right thing to do right? " Mina muttered but loud enough for them to hear. Jeongyeon just shrugged since she herself didn't know. " All we can do now is just... wait " Jeongyeon said.

" And enjoy watching this wholesome moment " Dahyun stated while grinning towards the kids, Nayeon was holding Tzuyu to help her walk and Momo was giving Chaeyoung a horse ride with Sana clapping excitedly. Sana even tried to get on Momo's back as well but she failed making the three of them fell. They laughed it off and Sana became the horse instead this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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