Siberian Iris: Surgery

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Tsubaki walked back to her dorm, her white hair in a french braid, one of her wolf shikigamis walking along next to her. She paused when she saw Present Mic sitting outside on a bench. He wore a white tee shirt, black sweat pants, and sneakers instead of boots. His long blonde hair was down and over one shoulder. He glanced up once Tsubaki walked closer.
"Evening, Shikigami. How goes it?" Mic asked quietly for once.
"J-just fine. Rather tired after today." He nodded as she walked by him and inside.
"Hey, Tsubaki." She paused on the steps, not looking back at the blonde, he never called her by her first name before. Before he continued, she started coughing, holding her hand to her mouth. A few blue petals blew his way from the breeze.
"Are these Siberian Iris petals?" Tsubaki froze before she ran inside and to her room, which was full of Siberian Irises. She got her phone out and sent a message to Aizawa, the only other one who knew what was going on with her.
'I'll be leaving in the morning to get the surgery for this. It's getting worse.'
'Have you thought about telling Mic your feelings instead?'
'No. I can't. He won't see me like that.'
'Fine, do you want me to take you to the hospital in the morning?'
'If you don't mind. Gnight.'
Tsubaki got up the next morning and dressed in warm pants and a long sleeve shirt. She left her hair down and slipped on some shoes before leaving her room, sighing.
She was already irritated because she couldn't have a coffee or anything to eat because of the surgery.
"Morning, Shikigami." Tsubaki jumped slightly, looking up to see Mic next to a grinning Aizawa.
"He's a better driver than I am in the mornings."
"I hate you so much right now."
Tsubaki turned away from them as she went into another coughing fit, blue petals falling to her feet.
"Where we going exactly?" Mic asked before Tsubaki stood and wiping a bit of blood from her lips  as she got in the car.
"The hospital. I have a surgery this morning."
"Surgery? For what, if I can ask?"
Tsubaki sighed, and looked out the window as they started driving.
"Hanahaki disease. I've decided to get the surgery."
"Unrequited love, huh? Can I ask who? I can go beat them up for not falling for you." Mic chuckled as they pulled up to the hospital.
"You can ask Aizawa. I'll call once I'm out." She exited the car and walked inside just as a nurse called her back.
"WHAT?!" Tsubaki heard Mic screaming from outside and gave a small flinch. She quickly changed into the hospital gown before they took her back to the operating room. Once she woke from the surgery, she was confused on where she was.
"Good morning, Ms Kubo. I wanted to let you know, the surgery went well. It took a bit longer than usual since there were more flowers than we expected. And if you're ready for visitors, there are two gentlemen who would like to see you."
Tsubaki shook her head.
"Not yet, doctor. I would like to rest a bit more." Once the doctor left, she summoned one of her wolf shikigamis and it laid next to her on the floor. She turned to stare out of the window when her wolf stood and started growling.
"She doesn't want any visitors at the moment, you can't go in there!"
"Try stopping me!" Mic stormed into the room only to stumble back seeing her white wolf snarling at him, while she faced away from him.
"Tsubaki?" She flinched, that was the second time he said her name.
"I would like to rest, Present Mic. Please leave."
"Those Siberian Irises are my favorite flower. Aizawa told me that the coughing fits was because of the hanahaki disease, because of me." She heard him step closer.
"Well, the surgery removed it. And I'm deciding to move to the states to be with my parents for a while."
"You're leaving? But you can't, the students love you."
Tsubaki stayed silent for a moment before turning to look at Mic.
"They'll be fine. They'll be great future heroes. I'll be putting in my notice and be leaving in a couple weeks."
"Leave her be Mic." She watched as Aizawa bind and scold the loud blonde.
"Can both of you leave? The patient needs to rest. Don't make us call security." Her doctor scolded both of them. Soon, it was quiet as she took a deep breath. Tsubaki turned to the window once more before she drifted off into a fitful sleep. She was startled out of her nightmare by Aizawa.
"Shikigami, are you alright?" Tsubaki nodded, taking a moment to focus and wake up.
"I'm.. I'm fine. Just a small nightmare, nothing I'm not used to." She sat up and reached over for her water.
"How are you feeling otherwise? How did the surgery go?"
"I'm sore, but fine so far. The coughing fits have stopped." Tsubaki sipped on the water slowly. "Though, I am still a bit tired, but I would like to sleep in my own bed."
"While you were in surgery, myself and Midnight cleared out the flowers from your room." Aizawa said as she finished her water.
"Thank you, Aizawa. I truly appreciate it."

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