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I wake up, forgetting about what happened last night. Then the thought hit me again. I tried to brush it off and get ready. I change and wait for everyone to come out and say good morning. Popee, Kedamono and Papi come out from their tents. "Good morning Keda and Papi!" "Good morining Y/N!," They both say. I just give Popee a death stare and so does he.

"Hey Kedamono I have a question," I ask him. He turns around to me. "Go ahead! I'll be listening." I sigh. "This might be the wrong time but, do you guys hire other performers?.." Kedamono looks at me excitedly and smiles so big. "You wanna sign up?! PERFECT! We have 10 people registered now!-" I whisper, "But Popee!?" Kedamono then thinks and frowns. "Just try it Y/N, you can do this even if Popee doesn't like it!." I smile and hug Kedamono. "You're such a great friend. Thank you Kedamono,"

I sit down, watching Popee try to do a trick and Kedamono terrified. I look closely and see that Popee is holding knifes. I gasp quietly and close my eyes. I open them to see that Popee did it and I'm happy for him but I don't show it. "Now you Kedamono, come here." He grins and put a apple on Kedamonos head. I get closer and see that Kedamono is shaking and terrified. "Po-popee.. are you sure this is a good idea?.." "Yes Kedamono. Just don't move.." I cant control myself anymore. Right when Popee throws the knife, I jump so that Kedamono wouldn't get hit with the knife and he didn't! But then I felt something in my palm. I look at my hand and the knife was in my hand. I tried to stay calm and hide it. Popee then looks at me weirdly but doesn't say anything. I stand up and walk back to my seat casually until Popee approaches me. "So that's why the knife didn't hit the apple." He looks mad and I look away quickly. He grabs my hand with the knife in it and slaps me. "You're no fun. Get lost." He pulls out the knife aggressively which makes the pain worse. I scream in pain and tears fall down my cheeks. Kedamono quickly runs to me, leaving the apple on the floor. "Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I fall to the ground on my knees and Kedamono goes to get the aid kit.

                                                             { POPEES POV }
What a bitch! Doesn't she know she could've died just for saving a ugly purple dog?! I don't even feel bad if she cries.

Kedamono comes back with the kit and bandages my hand. I look back at Popee and he looks away. 'This boy doesn't have manners at all..' I stand up and walk away to my seat, still hurting.

After tricks were done, I saw that Kedamono and Popee were talking about something. I wanted to know so I got closer to them. "B-But Popee.. please!.." "No Keda! I said no! Not her, we need someone else." I could tell that they were talking about me on the auditions. I couldn't resist it and walk up towards both of them. I look at Popee. "You know, I'm pretty good at probably what YOURE not good. So let me try out. Even if it's a no." Popee stared at me. "You really think you can do this?! Fine, show me tomorrow which are the auditions. I'm giving you this one chance." With my arms crossed, I smile but still up for the deal. "Thanks bunny boy!," I say jokingly. "Hey come back here! What did you-" Keda cover Popees mouth and Kedamono chuckles.

~ 627 words ~

The Battle (Popee the performer x female reader?)Where stories live. Discover now