Part 8

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What did you think if the last chapter. I almost peed my pants while writing it. The fact that I had drank two bottles of water before I I wrote it didn't help buy, it was pretty funny to me. Now it will get more romance again. Enjoy.


Joshua's POV

"Father I really love this girl!" we had been arguing for a good forty minutes. "Please. I need her."

"I won't even consider it until you tell me how you've been meeting up! I've already made that clear."

"At least you've gotten over your misspelling, dick tongue." I mumbled very quietly to myself.

"Well, where did she come from!?" he suddenly screamed at me.

"Honey, calm down." Mother, Queen Shairn, butted in. "And stop sucking bitch dick." she said the last part quietly. "Now, we do want to know how you've been meeting her."

"Promise nothing bad will happen." Tey raised their right hands and said they promised. "At night, through the passage. She is friends with Barry that old palace guard that you used to call Barry the Bear-acuda, he told her." They were astounded by the answer. Father called over one of the guards in the room and whispered in his ear. The guard looked upset and went to speak to other guards.

"She is coming tonight, no?" he asked.

I nodded slightly and instantly regretted it. Three guards grabbed my arms and the leader of the three whispered a sorry in my ear. "No. NO! YOU PROMISED!!! YOU CAN'T!" I began screaming as they dragged me out of the room that echoed with my cries. "THIS IS NOT FAIR! I LOVE HER! NO! NO!" I was struggling to be free, making a scene that would be truncated many times in the future to come. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I WANT TO MARRY HER! I LOVE HER!" I wouldn't stop my raging and tears began to stream down my cheeks as I knew well what he was going to do. "I HATE YOU! I LOATHE YOU! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE THE WEARER OF THE MAGIC NECKLACE OF DELTEIRIR!!!YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE A STARVING BEGGAR EVEN!" I swore to myself that as soon as I had the chance I would have my hands around his throat.

"It had to be done." he said, trying to seem sincere, but I could see through his veneer the evil smirk of evilness that was extremely evil.

~Later That Night~

I was tied up in my room, positioned so I was forced to look out the window; to witness the love of my life get beaten then dragged to the punishment place where only God knows what kind of cruel death sentence awaited her. My father was vile. He was worse than bitter bile you get in the back of your throat. I hated him. There was no reason not to. He has always been the most dispicable person in my eyes and many would agree.

It was almost 9:00. I couldn't bear the sound of her heaving the stone at the other end of the passage; counting the steps of her long strides to this end; the expectancy of her going to grate the cobblestone in cobblestone. If only my mouth was not stuffed with a sock and tied over, or I would scream for her to not come;to run; that I loved her but she could never return.

There it was, the path was moving and I knew the guards were hiding in the shadows. She happily shut it and began stealing over to the vines, and I could see the bounce in her step; because she was waiting for me to tell her that we were going to be together forever and beyond. I smiled, thinking of our unborn, unconcieved children, with my eyes and her everything else. Then I imidiately felt ten times worse, remembering she was going to die in less than three hours.

The guards marched out of the shadows, all them downcast.They didn't want to do it almost as much as I didn't want to watch. I did though. I had to see. The head guard that had been told of the plan first began releasing silent tears and he grabbed her arms and elf then behind her. Coral took the first punch and gave a cry. I struggled with all my strength and called out but it was muffled by my gag. I couldn't keep seeing what I was seeing. As she was dangling unconscious and bleeding, being dragged out if the courtyard I saw a hulking figure breaking past te guilty guards.

Coral's POV

I went to see some of my only friends, Dane, Leaf and Yasmine. I told them everything while Yasmine's guinei pig, Fido, and black hawk, Lee hopped around impatiently.

"Leaf and I are happy together and I think you should be too." she said, quite annoyed with my girliness. Dane, who had always had a thing for me and Yasmine, was quite disappointed that both if us were taken and just sadly smiled and nodded alot.

"Thank you Yasmine, do you want to run with Fido an Lee?" I asked, seeing her yearning for the trees.

"THANKYOU!" she screamed and snatched Leaf's hand so they could search for this rumored golden gem in the quiet forest.

"Good luck and congratulations!" Leaf yelled as Yasmine dragged him behind her. I smiled and waved after him. Dane was left with me alone.

"Sooooo, we're not going to happen ever?" he asked hopefully.

"No, horny little fuck." I replied shoving him away. He laughed a little but he was very sad underneathe it all. "I got to go." and pecked him on the cheek as a sorry before I ran away. When I looked back, I saw how pale his face was; I knew exactly where the blood rushed instead if his face.

I couldn't wait for tonight. It was going to e the best of my life.

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