Part 15

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Hey guys. Shit just got real, huh? Are you surprised?! I hope. I guess winging can sometimes end well. I'm going to continue on now so enjoy!


Josh's POV

I slapped her, hard. "What are you doing, boy?!" I heard Father exclaim delightfully.

"Did you know that crushed hopes an dreams are better when you tantalize them for a good while?" I beamed at him. "Why, this bitch believed in me the whole time. And all the while I got to see her hopes smashed repeatedly. I wish tears of agony could run through my veins."

"Oh I do too! Please tell me more!" Father was ecstatic. I was quite pleased myself. "How all did you see them crushed?"

I began, "Well, when I was tied up and I saw that look in her eyes as she was beaten unconscious, I knew that a bit of her had broken. She really thought that we'd marry each other and I would never rat her out! That's one way." Father was grunting hotly as if hearing about destroyed dreams was almost orgasmic. "Then when I came into her torture chamber I saw her hope almost climax. Then I ripped it to bits as I told her the whole truth. She ran away crying and I got to see her in the nude." Father scratched is crotch and moaned a little bit. I was slightly creeped out. "Then I found her in my room, curled in a ball and covered in blood and vomit. I gave her a big inspirational speech and she actually forgave me, putting her hopes at an all time high. And now, I get to see the happiness on your face as I fini-ish her off." My voice broke as I spoke about killing her. Father's smile broke.

"You were lying this whole time! You'd never want to kill her! Oh and I almost trusted you!" Father turned around to Barry, who had scooted away unnoticed to knock him unconscious as was planned. I fucked up everything. "Not today, mother fucker!" Jiinx grabbed Barry ,who washed his arms raised and ready to punch, by the throat and lifted the colossal man in the air. "You are so stupid as to believe I would travel into a trap without the protection of Master's magic!" Jiinx swung his arm back and hurled Barry across the room.

Barry flew through the room as fast as an arrow and hit the wall. He slid down slowly, his head leaving a large trail of blood on the wall. Coral lost it and sprang on the king standing there, smirking. Well Jiinx may have been smart enough to being a little magic, bit not enough to hold off a enraged woman. You never mess with a woman.

"YOU LITTLE FUCKER! NO, RUINING LIVES JUST HAD TO BE YOUR GODDAMN LIFE PLAN! AND WHAT DOES IT ACCOMPLISH! HATE AND RAGE! NOT TOWARD THE BEGGARS! NOT TOWARD THE OTHER PEASANTS! TOWARD YOU!" Coral was swinging her arms with her fist clenched so tight that her knuckles were white. "I KNOW THE SHADE-LORD FEEDS OFF OF HATE AND RAGE, BUT NOT WHEN IT'S TOWARD HIM! THERE IS NO REASONING TO BE AGAINST ANYONE BUT HIM! YOU DESERVE TO DIE AND DIE YOU WILL!" Jiinx's nose had to have been broken in five places and both eyes were already purpling and swelling. While Coral still had control I ran over to Barry.

"She's fucking him up pretty good, huh?" Barry asked jokingly and hoarsely.

"Yeah, you could say so." I saw the giant concussion he had on the back of his head where he had hit the wall. "Look Barry, you'll be alright. When everything's over, we'll et you to the finest doctor in all of Del-" Barry cut me off.

"I don't want any false hopes boy. I'm dying. That's not going to change. The finest doctors in Delterie cannot fix this," Barry said, pulling a bloody chunk of skull from the back of his head. He hit harder than I thought. "Now you go and kill that bastard, in the slowest, most painful way possible. Or just with your bare fists to show that he should have known you meant business. And love Coral with every part of your being. Tell her that you love her. Show her that you love her. Scream it from the mountain tops that you love her. Make love to her. Love her, because I know she will for you. Take care of her, boy. EagleHawk out." Barry finished his last words with a giant grinning his face as he closed his eyes.

A single tear ran down Barry's forever smiling face. That said it all. Like it held every memory from Coral's birth and childhood to this moment now. It held all the hopes that someday he would get to see little Corals running around the forge, crawling all over him, tugging on his beard and exclaiming "Uncle BareBare, look at this!" and "Uncle BareBare, see me do that!" Like it held the very flame inside him, because Barry never cried. If he cried, he would die. "Goodnight, Uncle BareBare." I whispered to him as I stood up and walked away, teary-eyed.

"Coral, get up!" I shouted at her hoarsely. My throat felt like it swelled up. She obediently got up, seeing the wrath that burned in both of our eyes. "Hold him up and straight." I commanded her once again. She did as told and held him up with his arms behind his back, grating his shoulder blades together. "I have tried Father, to please your beady little, evil eyes. It did not work. I have tried to warn you, it did not work either. You are a horrible person and you deserve every punch coming to you." I told him. "Coral, help me now. We're going to tie him up and by order of the king have every victim of his diabolical ways give him what he deserves." she nodded at the idea and helped me tie the unconscious body up in the library, strapped to the largest, heaviest desk in the room.

We forged his signature and the note read, "I am handing the throne onto both Connor and Joshua Ryan Hutcherson, my two sons. They will rule side by side and restore justice to the land. I have decided that it is for the greater good that every one of my many victims can come help me on my way to hell by kicking, punching and whatever else to my death or near death. I apologize to the poor souls of the kingdom.

By order of King Jiinx Hutcherson


(In story note: that is the royal seal)

The note was given to the highest up guard of the land and he nodded, quickly running away to alert the other guards. They would go down to the village and announce the news. Soon, my father would be dead. I would be happily married to rule by the side of my brother and Coral.

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