Chapter 1: Where is this?

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Sometimes...we think we know anything about our world
But we always..have something new to learn..

A few things to cover before we move forward

This font will be used as speaking in thoughts

This font will be used as a tool to mark places,time and dates

This font will be used to explain important things and briefings

Capital letters will be used for exclamation,impression,yelling and surprise


Where is this?.. What is this place?..

So..I've made it through...huh?

Just...I feel..heavy and..dizzy

Where the hell am I?

A few meters away
A man who presenced the incident
Saw a young man falling from what appeared to be a portal out of nowhere
Even though he was scared,he tried his best to hold his fears and see what really happened

He approached the place where the incident before has taken and sees a young man having difficulties to stand up
He looked so tired and his breathing was exhaustive

The man gets closer and leaves the hiding spot behind a tree to see if he can help the strange guy

Man:H-Hey! Are you okay? W-What happened to you?

The guy who was trying so hard to take a step fall right into the man's arms
He notice that it was a young boy of 19 and 21 years old
He was wearing a black jacket with a black cap from the inside of it
The jacket was a little mess up because of the fall,he was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black leather belt
Some sort of weird shoes
Modified by some weird technology,very advanced
A white and dirty shirt under the opened jacket

Man:I got you! Don't worry,I'll try to help you out,please stay awake

The young boy could barely say anything to the man who was trying so desperate to help him



Before the strange guy could say anything,he passes out and the man decides to carry him

Man:I can't let you here,either way the ambulance will take forever since we are in the forest and the worst of night

He carries him to a nearby car that was parked,and then drove off


The young boy in a slow movement wakes up in a strange house,pretty white and well distribuited

The young boy in a slow movement wakes up in a strange house,pretty white and well distribuited

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(Let's just say it looked like that)

Very confused,decided to rub his eyes to see if it was a dream

Unknown:Hmmm,looks like It's all real

He noticed he didn't have his jacket on
Only his white shirt and black jeans with white socks
Then he suddenly hears a voice

Man:OH! You're awake,didn't see you there hehe,how do you feel?

The man says this as he brings up two glasses of tea

Man:hot tea or ice tea

The stranger tried to reply with honesty

Unknown:I-Ice tea please

Said the stranger

Man:There you go

After a few sips and recovering the breath
He asks

Unknown:Where am I?

The man replied

Man:You are in my house,as the city,is Chūō, Tokyo

The stranger sees him with a weird sensation

Japan huh? Why did I landed in Japan?

Then the stranger asked again

Unknown:Sir,which year is this?

The man looked confused but willing to tell him

Man:The date right now is march 22nd of 2019

The stranger turns pale after hearing that and decides to sip more of the ice tea
Then,he is more relaxed to talk

Unknown:I see..I'm sorry that you had to carry me here and take the time to aid me,I'm really in debt with you sir

Says the stranger as he stands up and bows in front of him

Man:O-Oh! Hehehehe,Thank you and don't worry,I wanted to help you cause you really looked like you needed it,so it was no problem for me

The stranger the takes sit back again and the man asks him

Man:So..what happened to you? How do you get here?

Unknown:To be honest...I don't remember,the only thing I can remember by now is just a few words,"Please,I hope this will work",then,after that,nothing..

The man sighs and says

Man:I'm sorry to hear that,and excuse me my manners,my name is Tanigo,Motoaki Tanigo,so...what's your name young boy?

The stranger thinks about it for a second,trying to remember

Unknown:My name?

He was trying to remember it,until he finally remembers what is his name

Unknown:My name...

My name is Alex

Alex Winters

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