Chapter 2:Greetings

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Alex Winters huh?
It is nice to meet you

Motoaki:Alex Winters...what a curious name,you're not from here, are you?

Alex:Actually no,I'm from..far away,I was not sure I could tell you this,but you saved me and took the time to take care of me,so I own you an explanation

Alex said as he gets comfortable and leans back on the comfy couch Tanigo has

Motoaki:You look so comfortable in there,are you comfy?

Alex:Y-Yes sir,It's just I haven't rest since...hours..days..I dunno,oh,sorry for my manners

Alex said a little embarrassed while trying to get up to bow as a sign of apology,until Tanigo interrupted him

Motoaki:No no,please take sit again,let's leave the formalities aside,please continue

As said,Alex just leans back and takes deep breaths

Motoaki:Feel better?

Alex:Y-Yeah...I'm fine tho

Alex felt he could be as open as he pleases

Alex:I'm Alex Winters and I'm 19 years old,I was born in South Dakota...well,what is left of it now,but in my registration papers said I'm part british because of some bloodline,I actually can't remember anything at the moment....I'm sorry

Motoaki realizes what he was trying to say're not from here...well,this is not your real world,am I right?

Alex face Motoaki and nodded as correct

Motoaki:You asked me earlier which year we were,I suppose you came from the future?

Alex:Well...sort of,since this isn't my world as I far notice,I can't say I'm from the future,well,not the future from this world..

Motoaki:I see, you have any way to get back home?

Alex changes his semblance from calm to serious in an instant

Alex:I...I don't know...

The ambience was silent once again,the tension was so,that it could be cutted with a knife

Motoaki:You know...I can help you if you want

Alex:Help me?...How can you help me Mr. Tanigo?

Motoaki:Since you don't know how to go back or that you may be trapped here forever,I'll try to help you so you can live here and have a place to stay until you decide what will happen next

Staying here?
With him?
I barely know him from just what it looks like hours

Should I?

It's not like I have any other place to go
He helped me,he saved me and took care of me
Even though I'm a stranger from what it seems other world
He still wants to help me

I should take a choice now

Alex:You don't mind...if I stay here?

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