jeon jungkook

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He was sitting on a tree

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He was sitting on a tree...
looking at the sky...
He was not human but he remembered everything...

His heart was not beating but he still knew the pain he had suffered in his life...

He was 18 when he died...
He was a beautiful and happy boy...
There were two people in his family His mom and his dad...

His dad died when he was 4 years old...
He did not receive his dad love...
he had a wish...
Someone called him his son and let him call someone his dad...

So his mom married again....
When his mom remarried kook was 9 years old at the time...

He was happy...
he was very happy coz he finally meet his new dad and sooma was happy because her son was happy....

She did not know that...
this happiness is temporary...
She didn't know it wasn't happiness....
it's a nightmare...

few days after the wedding his mom started working back in the office and his step father who owned a club...
he would be at the club all night and at home all day time....

Kook mom loved and trust her second husband blindly....
She thought her husband was a perfect father and perfect husband....

But... She did not know that her husband was a DEVIL in the name of HUMAN....

She did not know that her husband was a bad person....

She did not know that her husband had violated her own son many times.....


One day when jungkok came home from school his father....
Stepfather....He was in his room....

Jungkook took a shower and lay down in his room...
When his father came to his room jungkook was sleeping without a shirt...
he is only 9 years old...

His stepfather watched him....
his tongue to his lips...licked his tongue like a hungry dog..
he watching him hungry eyes....

He sat on the bed and he slowly star touched jungkook body with his dirty hands...

Sudden jungkook eyes opened and he said " D-Dad w-what are you d-doing ?

" Dad hahahahahahaha how can i am be the father of a handsome boy like you ? " he approached him and kook fell from the bed and said

" s-stay away from m-me d-dad...I a-am your s-son....W-What are y-you d-doing " he voice shaking

He got up and started running outside but his father....step father grabbed him by his waist and pushed him on the bed...
locked the door and said " Have some fun first SON "
and then it happened which he never thought of....

He wanted a father...
He wanted a loving leader...
He wanted a compassionate father...
he...he wanted happiness which he always waited....
but what it...
He got a wolf in the form of his father...
Who used to scratch his body every day, ate it like he was hungry and threatened him
" If you tell anyone....I will kill your mother "

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