taekook love story begin

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Jungkook looked up at the sky, remembering old days

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Jungkook looked up at the sky, remembering old days....
He was lost in old memories....

[ 10 year old tae when his and Jungkook's friendship was 1 year 4 months...

They were both sitting on Tae's bed
" Let me ask you something "

tae nodded

" Why don't you have any friends "

He looked at Jungkook and said
" I don't like to meet people you know i am afraid of people "

tae play jungkook fingers

" I know but tae you have to meet people otherwise you will be left alone "

He stopped looked at jungkook and said " Are you leaving me...
you are ending our friendship ? "

Jungkook said jokingly " yes I'm tired now and I have to go to my world "

" but t-this world is yours jungkook " tae said lower voice

" No tae this world is not mine.... this world belongs to you human....my world is there "
He pointed to the sky and tae looked up at the sky...
tears welled up in tae eyes....
he started crying with hiccups...

jungkook looked at him his eyes widened
He sat next to tae and said " Why are you crying "

tae shook his head

" Tell me tae "

" You...You l-leave me...
You You will l-leave me a-alone
You w-will go to y-your w-world "

He crying more jungkook saw him smile softly and hugged said
" I was kidding...I was really kidding...I will never leave you...
I can't live without you tae "
He hugged tae tightly and tae cried and jungkook comforter him

" P-Promise you will never leave me....P-Promise jungkook "

" I promise I will never leave you "

" Pinky promise " he put his pinky forward jungkook smiled and connect their pinky.....

Tae smiled hugged him and said
" I don't need a friend jungkook... when you're with me "
Listen this Jungkook's thought he feel his non beating/dead heart beat....

~~ what happened to me.... Did I fall in love with this man?

tae hugged him and fell asleep Jungkook laid him down....
stared him
~~What are you...Don't be my weakness tae...otherwise,
my soul would not have found peace without you...
Don't get me used to it....
It shouldn't be soul love human....

he lay down beside him....stared his innocent face all night.... ]

He shook his head....smiled, got down from the tree and started walking straight on the road and then got lost other memory....

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